Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?


New member
I often see this cited as a reason people love/need to work, but I just do not feel it. I’m currently on my third maternity leave and no part of me “misses adult interaction.” 😬

I also generally don’t miss the satisfaction or validation I get from work. I have a pretty high-level job that surely comes with challenges, validation, feedback, stimulation etc. but if I’m honest, I get more satisfaction and validation from, e.g., doing a really good job keeping my house together. I feel just as proud about keeping the house clean and cooking good meals as I do getting something done/getting praise at work.

I REALLY wish I was one of those people whose cup was filled by “adult interaction” and professional achievements, but I would honestly rather be taking care of the family/house.

I won’t stop working (for long-term financial reasons), and I’m ok(ish) with that. I’m just curious if others relate!
@porven Yes and no. Between being an introvert and finding that most people end up disappointing me, I crave interaction with a few key individuals when I don't have it and there have only been a few of those over the years who are coworkers. I currently work from home and have schoolage kids. Just any old adult interaction doesn't do it. Most people exhaust me versus fulfill a need for interaction.
@roundthemountain Adding that as another introvert, most of my work interactions drain me. It doesn’t really give me fulfillment.

Fulfilling adult interactions would be like spending time with friends, not the annoying people at work.

Although I will say that working gives me much more appreciation for my time away from work. Part time work would definitely be enough though.
@roundthemountain Think such a struggle as an introvert! I’ve recently got in touch with my bff from before I had kids.

She now works remotely as well, and we’re both bored as hell!

We get to start hanging out and I can bring my toddler. She feels bad because she’s often quiet now. But it’s totally ok to just enjoy existing near a friend.

So many people just wear me out. She’s so relaxing to be around!
@porven I don’t miss the adult interaction, but I miss being in a space where I can be alone with my thoughts and focus on a task without constant interruption.
@jakethedog This is what I was coming to write. It's the ability to sit down for a few hours with a cup of coffee and just work on something that's a little challenging.
@jakethedog Father to two young children. Both my wife and I have flex work schedules. The couple days in the office are when we have to get most our work done. It’s nearly impossible to find 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to focus on work on the days we work from home. This is even with a full time nanny.
@garyd1947 Same! To this day, housework is mentally draining for me. It’s the same thing every week. Wash things just for them to get dirty again. Over and over.
@porven Yes, I have no desire to interact with other adults and my job consists of this..I don't care for it. I wfh now and it's so much better than painful office interactions..but I hate being on the phone. My kids are way more fun and interesting than any one of the people I work for/ with. Also, I get plenty of adult interaction with my spouse, my friends and family.

I only do it because they pay me.