Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

@porven I’m with you. While on maternity leave I enjoy stepping away from a high stress, deadline driven job and stepping into the homemaker roll. My adult interaction cup is filled enough by venturing out in public to pick up a few things at the store or taking baby to a doctors appointment. I think part of it is due to knowing that time is fleeting though. If I were a permanent stay at home mom, I’d probably line up some scheduled activities, like little gym or going to the library. I’m not a moms group type of person though.
@porven My hubby is like this. He’s definitely more fulfilled doing family stuff than professional. (Anything from babycare to house remodel.) I’m completely opposite. I think most of my ppd was due to such drastic change from my normal professional life.
@porven Yes and no. I don’t need more adult interaction with coworkers, because while I like most of them I don’t necessarily call them outside of work friends and I’m pretty satisfied with my social life without work.

I do, however, like all of the other things that come with working, especially self validation. I feel very unfulfilled by just managing a home. My husband probably feels the opposite of me and would be much happier being a stay at home dad…so it’s definitely person to person
@porven I absolutely feel this. I’m a professional who is too far gone to look back (and can’t for financial reasons), but I get almost 0 personal validation from work. I got a PhD and work my dream job that pays super well and it still does nothing for me and I just think of it as a way to fund my family/actual life. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it, and I also do a great job at it, but literally I can say that none of my self worth comes from my job and it makes it difficult to relate with my coworkers who eat drink and breath our field.

I wish I could give my job to someone who works when they don’t need to lol that is NOT me. I will be out of this place the minute I reach retirement 😂
@julianwithjesus This describes me exactly! Went to law school (lots of time and $) and put in some hellish years at big law firms so I feel like I can’t just stop and leave it all. But I get nothing from it.
@porven I never thought I could be a SAHM and especially after having my second baby I hate going to work so much. I want to be with them full time. I’m in general fulfilled by feeling my profession is important but I would prefer to be with my children 100%.
@porven I work from home so don't really have adult interaction, but I would miss working. My work is fulfilling and very important to me. I don't find running a home fulfilling at all.
@porven I just find my very intellectual job so much easier than keeping a house together. I'd actually feel prouder about the house, but the problem is it makes me really anxious and overwhelmed, whereas at my job I do something that everybody sees as amazing (I'm a simultaneous interpreter) but that feels manageable and exciting to me. So I feel better about my job than I do about my housekeeping.

I wish I was better at housekeeping, because it's very important to me. But my uselessness makes me very insecure, so at least at work I know I don't suck.

About the human interaction bit: I'm the same as you. Friends and family are all the interaction I need. Office interactions exhaust me.
@porven I started working from home in 2017 and never felt like I was missing adult interaction. People in 2020 were saying this left and right and I just didn’t get it. Almost seems like people think that’s just what you’re supposed to say 🤷🏻‍♀️

I know I would be much happier as a SAHM.
@porven This is exactly how I feel. I feel much more accomplished my days off and I'd much rather spend time at home with my kids than working. I remember seeing a post on here about sending kids to daycare on your day off and it blew my mind how many moms said they would absolutely send their kids to daycare..
@porven Totally relate to this. I honestly don't care about most work-related things. It's a struggle to feign enthusiasm most days. I'm more concerned with raising a well-rounded, happy little human and it's my top priority right now. My corporate job is only for the paycheck and I'd leave it in an instant if I could. But then again, I was never a ladder climber to begin with, and I'm a pretty intense introvert so the adult interaction is whatever. 😆
@porven I love the validation I get from work but dgaf about the adult interactions. In fact, I wish I didn’t have to have so many damn conversations the days I’m in the office. Just let me work. Im only part time and don’t have a lot of time to get my work done, so can all the adults in the building go talk to anybody the f else?

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