Anyone else hate working?

@liz555 I feel this so much. I was already kind of on the anti work train before having my 13 month old but now I’m really, really on it. I just could not care less about work and just want to lead a life of leisure with my family. I feel so burnt out all the time between work and family stuff that I struggle a lot. I am just overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities, information, things to do, things to learn with a new baby, it’s so much. My husband is great but also works full time with some travel and I just feel drained. We both make good money but not enough where one of us could just stop working and live the same life we do now (I’m the bread winner as well). It’s all just really hard and it’s making me just want to quit my job and rent kayaks on the beach or something.
@liz555 I wish every day that I could be a SAHM with my baby (and soon to be baby 2 due in Aug). It crushes me that he gets to spend all this time with my mom and not me during the day while I sit in a cubicle at work.

My husband and I have gone through our finances multiple times and I have loops of just wanting to try to quit and make it work but I can't bring myself to do that when I don't think it's the right financial decision for our family.

Not sure where you are but being in the US SUCKS with the benefits piece and good benefits being through work most of the day (and expensive AF).

I completely relate to your post, I'm a combination of highly unmotivated but at the same time panicking about being let go ever because it's not just me dependent on my income 🫠

I wish there was more support for moms/families to allow people to stay home, at least for the first couple years!
@liz555 I’m with you. I’m only working because I have no choice. If my husband got a huge raise and we could live off of his income would throw my laptop out the window and never look back.

I’m very happy for all the working moms who genuinely love what they do and enjoy having a job, but that ain’t me.
@liz555 I work in an industry that filled with people who claim that they love and enjoy their job and that to do it well you have to genuinely care (health and social care in the UK).

I don't love and enjoy it, and I don't genuinely care about the people I support. I provide my service, then I go home, every month I get paid. I absolutely wouldn't do it or anything else if I didn't have to.

If I came into millions tonight, I wouldn't be going to work tomorrow. They wouldn't see me for dust.
@susieque22002 It’s funny because my coworkers and I actually had the conversation about whether or not we’d come to work if we won the lottery. I immediately said no and everyone looked at me like I was crazy! Sorry I just prioritize and value real life, not my office job.
@liz555 I am a teacher and I literally loathe working. I have to deal with shitty middle schoolers all damn day and then try to find the strength to end the second half of the day on a positive note with my toddler.

It angers me that I have to take care of other people’s poorly behaved children when I could be spending more time with mine.

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