Anyone’s baby have bad reaction to bubs goat milk formula for 0-6mon or stage 1?


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My baby seems to have a lot of gut issues whether it’s gas’s or trying to poop idk she constantly has these struggles. She cannot nap or sleep without me because of her struggles so I switched to this goat milk formula thinking a milk protein allergy because my first had this, second didn’t. Anyways I’m two cans deep and not seeing any “significant” progress.. maybe some. Baby is 10w2d so maybe just development? Help please 😊
@giddings1992 Can’t offer exact help since my baby is just about to start the bubs goats milk this Friday when the can gets delivered but I wanted to say I too been suffering with my soon to be one month old and his digestive issues. He’s been having a lot of reflux, difficult with pooping and gas. His cries significantly and strains a lot. Currently, he’s on Bobbie Gentle formula mixed with some breast milk but I haven’t seen it helped or reduce his spit ups or manage his colic. Hoping the switch to goats milk will help. I’ll try to post an update to you within the next week!
@giddings1992 my daughter had a cows milk protein allergy we just picked up and we were recommended to try a rice milk has been a night/dsy difference for her thankfully.never knew they did those formulas as my first born was always on the cows milk formula.
@giddings1992 we were recomended the novalac brand rice based formula for our girl.shes been doing great since switching from alula gold to more mucousy or bloody poops or rashes and feeds a lot better.
@giddings1992 If you aren’t already, I highly recommend using the Dr Browns anti colic bottles.

We started our baby on Similac, but I could tell already she was not having a good time with it and I wasn’t a fan of the ingredients in the “doctors recommended” formulas. Switched her to Bubs Goat and she seemed to have been taking it better. It wasn’t an immediate holy grail so to speak, you definitely gotta give it some time, let their digestive systems get used to it. But once she started getting used to it the constipation and gas was significantly less. I think those digestive issues are just a given no matter what, their little bodies are learning how to work outside of the womb, but Bubs definitely made it easier for my daughter.

Other thing I would recommend is using prune juice to help with the constipation ( 2 oz prune juice mixed with 1 oz water to start), and I also highly recommend Little Remedies gas relief. That worked wonders for my little one. She’s 9 months old now, still loves Bubs, no more digestive issues.

Hope this helps

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