Am I overreacting to my non-mom friends saying “just pump!” ?

@ckatiejo As an exclusively pumping mom, I’m a little taken aback that there is so much animosity at the idea of pumping one additional time versus feeding the baby from the breast, especially if you are already pumping sometimes for work and know baby will take a bottle. But it is entirely your choice and prerogative to prioritize the type of breastfeeding you prefer over the opportunity to spend more time with your friends.
@ckatiejo It’s totally fair for someone to have obligations to their pet that require them to be home. It’s also totally UNfair for that same person to suggest that you not spend time with your child so flippantly. Your suggestion to attend the “pregame” event (I can’t think of a better word to describe this lol but I know it’s not exactly right hence the quotation marks) there with you going over there at 2 pm was an accommodation/compromise. Maybe this needs to be made clear to her.
Sometimes it’s difficult for non parents to understand, so, giving her the benefit of the doubt, I would respond saying that you were happy to accommodate the time she wanted to provide for her dog but you feel that she isn’t understanding what a big ask it is for you to take even more time away from your child on a day that you aren’t being separated by work, not to mention the extra labor that she is requesting of you by asking that you pump instead of nurse. You can acknowledge that she probably didn’t know this because how could she, but pumping sucks (I say this as an exclusive pumper who has been doing this for 18 months) and being away from a 6 month old is incredibly challenging for both baby and primary caretaker.