Am I overreacting?

@praisethelordjesuschrist Oh no, you are not overreacting. Dear god. I would consider calling CPS to protect the 4 month old, and I would contact the court for an update of the custody agreement.

In addition, I would ask for an increase in child support to cover ALL medical costs related to this and to cover the reduced visitation that has been necessitated by this. Your poor baby girl. I cannot imagine what that would do to the trust in the world of a 5 year old.
@praisethelordjesuschrist If his dog attacked his own child and he hasn’t gotten rid of it or had it euthanized then he is a shitty father to begin with. I would definitely not allow my child over to someone’s house who has an aggressive dog that has already attacked and hurt my child! You are doing the right thing!
@praisethelordjesuschrist Pit bulls should not be around small children (I know controversial)..

That dude is irresponsible af and allowing his own daughter to get mauled bc he took a stance on some bullshit "issue" instead of just waiting until his kids were older if he wanted a pit so bad is pathetic.

Fuuuckkkk him..

You'll see from my responses elsewhere that I'm 99% share kids at nearly all costs and incredibly forgiving and understanding of mistakes or temporary lapses in judgement. Extreme physical violence that could have easily led to her death.... that wasn't a complete random accident... every fucking person on earth knows that it's highly likely for this to occur with a pit (and possible with all dogs tbh, even a sweet great pyrenees like I have, I'M ALWAYS watching when they're too close together)

Fuuckkk that guy and I'm so sorry for your little girl (and you, and her brother) that all have to go thru this. Keep them far away from him. He's too immature and irresponsible to be around and in charge of the safety of children
@kenbrace Absolutely. My cousin had a huge chunk of his face ripped off at the age of 7 by a pit he was very familiar with, completely unprovoked. The Dog just snapped, and was absolutely never abused by its owner. But here come the pit bull freaks, denying the facts that statistically they are the most dangerous breed and telling us how nice and amazing their pit is.
@deenephew The one thing this article fails to mention is the fact that pitbulls are the number one breed of dog for fatal attacks. Year after year . They account for 6% of the dog population. I don't know how the math is anymore clear than that. Look, I understand people are defensive of their dogs and I love ALL animals. I'm not afraid of pitbulls and I don't believe they should all be banned or euthanized as I said. But people should be aware of this and a child should never be left alone with one. A child should really never be left alone with any dog, but if you have children or plan on having children, I think that should factor into your decision of whether you should adopt one. It breaks my heart that pitbulls are the number one breed in shelters, I know this because I volunteer and donate frequently. I don't wish ill will towards any of them and I hope they all go to good homes. But people denying the facts are not helping anything. Children's lives could be saved by being more vigilant around them.
@mpax38 Just like a Ferrari, you don’t just hand the keys over to a 16 year old and go ‘have fun!’ A strong dog such as a pit bull/staffordshire bull terrier, needs a knowledgeable responsible owner, both of which this man is not. Please don’t blame the breed. There are FAR MORE chihuahua bites, lab and retriever bites out there- but they just don’t cause the damage, have the bad rep that pit bulls have unfairly gotten today, formerly the bad rap that Shepards, Dobermans, and Rottweilers before them got…. etc etc depending on the decade/what was considered a mean dog. Most of the time, it’s NOT even a pit bull. In fact there is NO SUCH recognized breed by the AKC! It’s just a very loose umbrella term for dogs with square head that might have bully in their name. I used to have 3 English bull terriers, and they were SO fantastic with our infants, babies, toddlers. However, we were always responsible, never left them alone, etc. etc.. it was perfect! They had such a nonchalant attitude, don’t care if toddlers were walking all over them- they were 65,55, 50#’s! I’d catch my 1 year old standing on (and stop her!) the big boy dog while he slept to reach stuff. Truly a responsible dog wonder will consider his family when choosing a dog. But that doesn’t automatically exclude the ‘pit bull’ type dog. Staffordshire’s are called the nanny dog for a reason!!

Just my two cents 😉 my dogs were so friendly and wanted to meet people, and folks would CROSS THE STREET!!! to avoid us. (I get it, they look a bit intimidating) But target dog! Spuds! Haha.
@praisethelordjesuschrist This is terrifying, and the second story today I've read about a pit bull attacking a child. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I love all animals, I never used to buy into the Pitbull stereotype, but after all the research I've done... They are consistently the most dangerous dog with the most fatal attacks every single year. I'm not saying I believe they should all be euthanized or banned, and I'm not saying that all of them are capable of this. But do not leave your child alone with a dog, especially a pitbull... really any dog (as someone who's child has been bit in the face by one- not a pitbull). Please be hyper vigilant, and also be aware that even if you're in the room, a fatal attack can still happen. The story I read earlier, the parents were in the room. I absolutely would not let my child over there and you are not overreacting. And that is terrifying that they have a dog that attacked a child still in the house with a baby.
@kenbrace If you are referring to the story I think you are, I looked at her history and she had the dogs DNA results and it’s highest was actually a lab, not a “Staffordshire”. Labs are actually known to attack kids more than pits. Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s actually used to be bread as “nanny” dogs.
@timerow I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from but I'd like to see this report. Pitbulls are consistently number one in fatal attacks on adults and children.