Am I overreacting?

@praisethelordjesuschrist So you are calling CPS and filing a report right? Because if that baby dies you will never feel ok without having done something at least. edit to add: screw any parent who chooses an animal over their own child.
@praisethelordjesuschrist I would contact the proper channels if your visitation agreement is through the courts, so that they can not try and say that you are keeping the kids away from dad on his allowed weekends. And of course continue to keep the kids away from dads until issue is resolved.

I am saying this as a mom with two pits, keep the kids away.

It is the owner, it's NOT THE BREED. I do not trust my pets along with my child, just as i don't trust my child alone with other children or adults. I refused to read other comments bc as soon as i saw 'pitbull' I already knew where they were headed.
@thomas50 Just pit bulls? There’s a WHOLE lot more aggressive, bigger, stronger dogs out there. Also there is no such breed as ‘pit bull’. It’s a made up term to encompass ‘bully’ breeds, so how do you know what a pit bull looks like if they don’t exist? Just some food for thought-
Scroll down a little, and there is a chart with dogs. Pick out the pit bull, go ahead. Try. Even I couldn’t and I had English bull terriers!
@deenephew I definitely don’t allow them around such people as yourself either. Can love a pit bull but can’t identify one lol? I sure can and go the other way
@praisethelordjesuschrist First of all im so sorry for your daughter and the experience! I have been in both experiences where I owned the dog and one where I was bitten by my father's dog ,and in the situation where I was bitten by my father's dog I had to have surgery and stitches and my father kept the dog and it was still in our family home ,she never did bite me again but she always showed aggression and growled at me ,and I just find my parents and my dad so are irresponsible for not getting rid of the dog because I was only seven at the time ,and in the other instance where I owned the dog and the dog bit the child I put the dog down straight away.No hesitation.
@praisethelordjesuschrist You're not overreacting at all.

Children's safety takes absolute precedence over a dog's need. And a person who allowed for a situation where a dog (or pet of any kind, really) attacked a child is unfit to own dogs. It's as simple as that. No caveats, no buts.

I say that as a lifelong dog lover and a long-time dog owner (honestly, I've been around dogs since early childhood, I don't remember a time there *wasn't* a dog around where I lived), so I am hardly biased against dogs *or* dog owners.
@praisethelordjesuschrist No and most states have a 1 bite rule in the sense that after someone is bitten ,if it happens again ,the dog goes to sleep(forever). I'd definitely be contacting the local dog warden spca etc and making 100% sure it's documented.

Also go get your custody changed and make sure to bring up the dog to your judge.
@mpax38 If course it matters we had limited information. It could have been a simple accident like the daughter falling of the couch on top of sleeping dog and it reacting out of fear and pain or OPs daughter could be a undisciplined brat that was hitting and pulling on the dog not listening when dad corrected behavior and dog lost patience and lashed out. I'm not saying any of these things are true just that I didn't want to blame the dad or dog without having more info first.
@mpax38 As I said it was simply a example of the many possibilities that exist in the world. Was not trying to put the blame on anyone just explaining why i felt more info was needed before giving my opinion on OPs post since if it wasn't actually that the dog is aggressive but infact that OPs ex wasn't providing proper care and supervision to daughter then she should keep daughter away regardless of if he got rid of the dog or not. just like if it was a unavoidable accident that no one could have predicted then it wouldn't be fair to hold the father/dog accountable for it.