Almost 4 month old still feeding every 1-2 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks, I'm about to lose my sanity

@patrickmoore89 He sure was! Hello birthday twin!

We ended up cosleeping last night to catch up on rest. The parenting helpline suggested I need to move to a feed play sleep routine..but I don’t know how that works when your baby wakes 6 times a night for feeds lol. I said to my OH this morning that this regression is about survival.. we can work on feed to sleep associations later. If I can get one nap in his cot without feeding prior it will be a win
@jesusmaybeblessed232 Hi! Haha 😂

Oof... Yeah. My son also woke to eat 6 times, if we weren't cosleeping I'd be going insane by now. Googling yesterday I found out that someone called this "the 3 month breastfeeding crisis", and that this is the most common time to stop and switch to formula because it's so challenging. I believe them. I hope we can get through this because I don't want to stop BF!

It's 100% about survival, and yeah, we can work on feed to sleep associations later. For me, my son doesn't feed to sleep during the day most of the time... Sometimes, but honestly not often. Sometimes I wish it was that easy! 🥲

We plan on letting my husband take him alone and me in another room so my husband can try to soothe him back to sleep first before he gets the boob. We'll probably start tomorrow as he can nap on Saturday and Sunday if his sleep turns crap, and see how it goes going forward...
@patrickmoore89 So at this age he could start solids which would make him feel more full. I’m in the USA so obviously don’t know the recommendations of drs in the EU. 6 months used to be the gold standard but in the last few years there has been a shift back to starting solids earlier due to newer studies. Anecdotally, my family has always started solids when baby suddenly stops sleeping through the night (normally 3-4 months) as a cue that they need more than milk. Of course, “solids” would be very bland and liquidity at this stage.

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