4 month regression? Almost 17 weeks and now refuses bassinet. Unsafe sleep situation last night.

@sweetkf I'm going to guess that he's chronically overtired with 12.5 hours total sleep per 24 hours, not that he's lower sleep needs (not blaming you though). I would start sleep training nights once he hits 4 months if I were you.
@teamsesh I came to say this! The only time I’ve had trouble transferring my girl to the crub was when she was BIG overtired.

To get him out of the cycle do as much holding to sleep/ while asleep as you can and offer extra long day naps (don’t cap at 2 hrs). It should only take a day or two to get out of it! Then set. Schedule that allows him to get 14-15 hrs of sleep in a 24 hr period. Maybe 13-14 is enough but I’d give him more for a few days to see if that helps him bounce back
@teamsesh He’s been that way since birth - 12.5-13 hours average and is a pretty happy kiddo when he’s not fighting naps 🤷‍♀️
I wish he needed more than that!
@sweetkf I made a different comment saying I think day sleep is excessive which is leading to shit night sleep, leading to overtiredness and struggling to get to sleep/getting really worked up.
I just don’t want you to think that your child needs more than 3.5hrs of napping per day - the issue, as far as I can see it, is that your baby doesn’t know how to fall asleep on their own which leads to poor quality night sleep (the most restorative).
@mcmurdo Ahh yes I’m just not wanting to do ferber style sleep training at his age yet… always wanted to wait till 5 or 6 months and the gentle methods are not working so hot..
@sweetkf But by your admission, he fights all sleep hard which is why I'm guessing he might be overtired. In other words, I don't think that being generally pretty happy means that he's not overtired. I think 12.5 hours is okay for a bit older baby but that just sounds low for a 4 month old.

I thought my baby was the same (getting about the same amount of total sleep per night as yours at 4 months and being generally happy) but after sleep training, he gets 11 hours at night minimum (sometimes up to 11.5-12) plus about 3 hours during the day.
@teamsesh I second this, my baby seemed happy despite very few naps/short naps but I now know that he was waaaaay overtired. Things are so much better now. It sounds like your LO is similar.
@sweetkf I went through that wishful phase too 😂 after we sleep trained my son did 10.5hr nights and 2hr15naps at that age (only for 30 mins unless held which is developmentally normal). It was rough haha

I hope your baby is actually high sleep needs!!!