@patrickmoore89 My daughter is approaching 5 months. We live in a small house on the edge of a major US city, but spend about 50% of our time (including nights) at my in-laws' house out in the country. At home, she seems to wake up 3-4 times to eat at night, but at the in-laws' she only wakes up once, if that. I think it might have something to do with proximity. At home, she's in the co-sleeper bassinet (large bassinet, directly next to me, but not
in the bed with me. At the In-laws' she's in a crib that's in the se room, but several feet from my bed. I dunno if maybe she sleeps better bc I'm MIL wears her out or if it's bc she can't smell me so close to rouse all the way between sleep cycles or if it's something to do with fresh air.
I say all that to say: maybe try room sharing instead of co-sleeping bc proximity could be causing more frequent nighttime feeds.
My daughter started reverse cycling when I went back to work 2 weeks ago so I feel your pain on the broken sleep and she has definitely spent more than a few recent nights in the big bed (safely) so that I can get some shut eye too.
Eta: i only pick her up at night when she cries out, not just moving around and such. I can hear her in the crib at the in-laws' house she just doesn't cry out.