A man told me having a c-section was the easy way of giving birth

@lasaruse But didn't you know birth is hardest for the man? They have to do so much work while their partners recover AND they have to sleep on the uncomfortable hospital couch. We should have more sympathy for them.
Not a meal or nap can be missed for a man while observing a woman in active labor!

This just reminded me...

I went into labor on Sunday the 3rd. They kept me in triage for awhile and were thinking of sending me home. I knew we would end up coming back later, so I figured ok if they let me go then we'll go get lunch and come back. Because by that point I was hungry. WELL they waited long enough to check me again and decided to keep me. So my husband was hungry for lunch by then and once I was moved, he went down to the cafeteria and got himself some lunch. Meanwhile I was only allowed to have ice chips or popsicles. I was so annoyed.
@katrina2017 I honestly thought about saying something but he did seem a little embarrassed after I said it wasn't easier so I'm hoping he learned a lesson. Hopefully before he chooses to have children lol
@vclr2010 Yeah I can understand not wanting to make a complaint. Hopefully this is one of those things he randomly thinks about for years and cringes at that motivates him not to mansplain birth to women who have given birth.
@frankyb Ugh yes I cannot with women who say having a c-section means you didn't give birth. Like, we're all suffering here no matter how these kids came out, it's not a competition lol
@vclr2010 What an idiot. I had vaginal births myself, but when I was in nursing school I watched a C-section and was scarred. The way they heave on the body and how many layers they cut. Absolutely nothing about that is easy!
@trinity47 And you're awake during the whole thing! It's the most bizarre feeling, you can't really feel anything other than pressure and you can't see anything but you know they're down there just slicing away lol

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