I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

@dmurrayfly We got really lucky in the night portion, he's basically slept through the night since about six months. I have so much admiration for the parents who have to deal with the little to no sleep. His sticking point has always been naps. I suppose you win some you lose some.
@zazzi "And just give them quiet time" my kid completely tears her room apart if she's awake and not getting interaction. Some kids are just a lot, y'know?
@dmurrayfly "quiet time" is my kid lying in bed next to me coloring or watching TV while I scroll on my phone or read. It's not time for me to nap or catch up on chores.
@zazzi I read that as "normal time kids," which my daughter definitely is not! 😅 She prefers to sleep about 9.5 hours at night, has done since she was about a year old. When am I having all this adult dinner time??? Even date night feels like an exhausting chore because if we stay out past bedtime it just means less sleep for me.
@dmurrayfly I just wanna say it sucks when they are little. There is a hump and you will get over it. I think back to those dreaded nights and early mornings and wished for another existence. It’s ok to just survive those years, F the journal.
@snigam Thank you 😭 I literally take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour because it really is just survival at this point and holding onto the hope that one day I’ll recover a little part of myself.
@dmurrayfly There is light at the end of this tunnel! Since about age 5, I have had to be the one to wake the kid up everyday! On the weekends, she often sleeps until 9 or 9:30! It is now easy to get up before her, if I really want to (I don’t).
@dmurrayfly You will! I promise it gets so much better.

I have a teen with an alarm clock, so I'm way past those days. Well, my brain thought I had it too good, so one adopted street cat later I'm now up at midnight to let her out, at 2am to let her in before she yowls the house down, at 3am because she's singing the songs of her people in front of the bedroom door, at 6am because it's time to go out again... really I ought to invest in ear plugs. Still way easier than small children, who so desperately want/need settling and every little bit of your patience.
@vanillasoftserve A year ago my dad and stepmom were looking to get a dog. My stepmom had never had a puppy so she really wanted to get a puppy. My dad tried to warn her but she insisted she was more than happy to handle it. They adopted a puppy from a litter that turned up at the shelter. Annnnnnd my stepmom says it’s like being up with a baby again lol.
@dmurrayfly Yeah as a mom who whose kids get up before the sun for no reason whatsoever ….there is no way in hell I’m going to wake up at 2:30/3am to get some time to myself…I can’t run on 4hours of sleep
@samdja Right??? It’s almost like they’re in competition with the sun to see who can rise earlier 🫠 And it’s not even a seasonal thing because they do it in the winter too when it’s still pitch black.
@dmurrayfly It's like when the boomers all said millennials could all buy houses if we stopped buying expensive coffees or avocado on toast, and we all looked down at our sad homemade sandwiches and instant coffees and laughed because it was better than crying.
@dmurrayfly My daughter wakes up 3 times a night (15 months). She's never slept through the night once. I haven't slept more than 6 hours straight since she was born. Not a chance I can wake up before her. She also senses when I am up and wakes up too.
@sjh22 See I co-sleep with my youngest and from like 2-4am is a really sensitive sleep phase. If I were to get up he would be up within 20 minutes anyway.
@dmurrayfly This is a genuine question, not a criticism. Is there a particular reason that you’re co-sleeping? I’m just curious if your youngest is ready to have their own bed. Maybe that might help with a longer sleep cycle for both of you?
@coikebluku1972 I still nurse him twice at night and I fall asleep faster after a wake up if I don’t have to get out of bed. But even if he slept longer, my oldest still doesn’t sleep through the night. She wakes up 2-3x.