My cousin just stole my baby name that I had told her about in comfidence :(

@birdoftexas93 I know that type of woman well…I’m sorry she sucked so much out of you. If I were you, I’d never talk to her again. When you have your baby, use that name if you want and if anyone says “you chose the same name as your cousin” you can say “no, she stole my baby name that I shared with her years before she got pregnant. So, it’s MY baby name. Maybe she’ll think more independently now that she doesn’t have me around to feed her ideas.”
@chri5 Thanks for showing so much understanding! Love you for that. Yes, she absolutely drained me out. A total narcissist and empath relationship. But I didn't go all those traumas in my life and come out of it to deal with her bullshit again in life, so I am gonna stand my ground and I will not give in!
@birdoftexas93 Just out of curiosity what is the name you love? I love names and would love to know if you feel like sharing that is. I’m very sorry your cousin has been such a negative person in your life. I think you should still use the name if you love it.