7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

@happilyretired My entire first trimester all I could eat were potatoes in various forms. I was obsessed. The trader joe’s yellow box of hashbrowns made in the air fryer are pretty damn close to McDs. I even named the foster kittens I picked up at that time Hashbrown, Spud, Chip, and Tater Tot.
@happilyretired I have literally been surviving off of McDonald's hash browns and Sprite. Every single morning I go there and they know my order already. I am 9 weeks right now... I get two hash browns and a Sprite and then go sit in the parking lot and try and calm my stomach... It's literally the only thing that I have found that works.
@happilyretired go ahead and download the McDonalds app so you can get free stuff and discounted food and occasionally free food when you get enough points. One day , I was gonna go to Starbucks but MCDs was right there and i was like well their frappes are a lot cheaper and taste way better. And then with my app I got a hashbrown and a sausage biscuit with cheese for 1.50 omgggg i was in the drive thru everyday. I was so glad 2$ was what i needed to curb my cravings. By the end of the week I was able to get a a free frappe lol
@happilyretired I’m 37 weeks tomorrow, and my main cravings have been strawberries and McDonalds hash browns. First trimester I’d always get 2 in my breakfast meal, but I’ve toned it back down to 1 since then (we usually go every couple weeks). Soooooo good 🤤
@happilyretired Do it do it do it do it.

If anything, do it because if nausea and vomiting haven't hit you yet this might be the last time in a little while that a food is truly appetizing to you. (Although what I truly wish for you is that you just never get the nausea and vomiting, I don't wish it on anyone).

I was sick throughout my pregnancy but not to the extent of HG, a little lower grade than that, and medicated thank God though not until after 15 weeks. Once those two things hit me full force around weeks 6-7 I had 2 things happen: I would crave foods and then once I got them in front of me they were disgusting and I didn't want them or they were okay once and never again. And, until I was medicated, I didn't CRAVE foods per se so much as think of certain foods that seemed tolerable and then would try them out to see if my thoughts were correct or they were also a nope. It wasn't cravings as much as acceptance and not total disgust.