5 years into WTT, I’m done waiting

@hagiang3396 It's easier that way I think... It still hurts a little, but it's more like a twinge than the despair of getting basically rejected by your SO all the time.. not to sound dramatic......
@hagiang3396 Okay I totally understand you’re upset and you have every right to be, but you sound...very dramatic. Throwing everything away after a fight, stopping vitamins, and being tempted to take in hormones to purposefully screw your body up? Wtf?
@ttyler I admit I was emotional, but I threw things away because i don’t feel like looking at them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t take birth control. We’re back to square zero over having no timeline. I’m “private” about it in a sense that no one in real life knows me here. I’ll be dramatic if I want to be, if this helps me cope.

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