34 Weeks Doppler scan says Twin A at 2.2Kg and Twin B at 1.58kg. Should we be worried?


New member
Twin A is 2.2Kg i.e 4.85 lbs and Twin B is at 1.58kg i.e. 3.48 lbs. Anyone had similar stats? Should we be worried? We are planning c section at 37 wks 0 days.
@puckharist Only your OB/MFM team can tell you because it will depend on a number of factors not just the size discordance.

My di/di boys started developing a weight discordance around week 32 and my MFM basically told me we will keep them in as long as IUGR twin’s cord flow isn’t compromised and he’s still growing and not stalling. I ended up being induced at 36+2 and delivered at 36+4 because he was showing reverse cord flow.
@puckharist You can always call your care team now and ask to have someone explain the report to you. In my experience when something was wrong the MFM doctor saw me before I left the ultrasound to talk through the results.
@puckharist What kind of twins are they? My DiDi were massively different even from 6 weeks. My boy was always 2 weeks ahead. They were didi so it didn’t really matter in terms of TTTS.
Mine were 36.6 weeks and were 5lb1 and 7lb2!

Has there always been a difference?

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