3 weeks 1 day

@jessi1194 My beta at exactly 10 DPO was 44 and my RE thought that was a great number! I’m currently 18w2d with my last check-up at 17w3d. I don’t think that’s a low number at all for 10DPO!
@jessi1194 I made a post similar yesterday with a very similar situation and sounds like we’re in good shape but what will be really telling is the next blood draw.

Fingers crossed we both get good updates tomorrow ♥️
@jessi1194 That’s a really good number. I think obs aren’t taking into account how sensitive the at home tests are now and we are getting positives much sooner than the day of missed period. My hcg was 125 at 14dpo (2days before missed period) so I was probably around the same at 10 dpo or lower. 16dpo day of missed period I was at 377. My OB in her note made sure to put “these are indicative of VERY early pregnancy”. Like yes, I know lol. Currently 7 weeks pregnant and I saw my bub this past Tuesday with a good heartbeat 💓 try not to stress!!
@jessi1194 That's a good number in my opinion, I was 8DPO and HCG was only 13.. I didn't even test positive in the doctors office haha. But my hcgs doubled nicely and I think thats the main thing doctors look for until your ultrasound scan. I'm now 17weeks on Saturday with healthy baby! Hang in there, thinking of ya mama!