2 & a half years w no baby

@kittykat239 I know quitting nicotine is hard, but it definitely impacts fertility! If you're serious about having a baby, quitting vaping and getting a semen analysis are absolutely your top 2 priorities.
@angeloflight316 I think the semen test might help, I would also suggest chucking the vape so that when you do fall pregnant (praying you do!) you’re not too stressed coming off it. You also mentioned earlier you tried the cycle tracking, could you confirm ovulation? It might take you a little longer to get pregnant and that’s okay, rooting for you!
@kittykat239 Do you have endometriosis? That can impact your TTC journey. Also, I would personally have an HSG done to check and see if your tubes are clear because if they’re blocked, semen can’t get through.

Sometimes though, your body just needs a little help. My husband and I struggled with infertility for over 4 years and eventually had to have an IUI. You could always look into trying that route or even medicated cycles.
@kittykat239 Just letting you know your cycle can be regular and you can still have endo. I have regular ovulation, regular cycles, hormones all good on blood tests. Just found out I have endo badly and you can only find out through lap surgery. I’d get the semen analysis first but don’t totally rule out yourself having issues either.
@kittykat239 I would get the semen analysis so you know what you are working with, so to say. If you are also able to get a blood panel to test your AMH and other labs, sometimes these are covered as diagnostic and not "fertility treatment." If you have a regular OB/GYN you can usually get a lot of those tests done as part of your annual exam- I would start by having a discussion with your provider about what other information you can get that might help you.
@larmarine my Obgyn usually ignore my concerns and says “ just take a prenatal “ I feel like my concerns isn’t valid because of my age which isn’t fair at all , I’m considering finding a new one .

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