13 weeks pp and supply is drying up


New member
My angel baby is 13 weeks old. We have had quite a time so far with breastfeeding.

Milk came in day 4/5, I had all the challenges aside from mastitis.

Incredible pain, bleeding, low supply, low flow.

I was pumping and feeding, power pumping and supplementing with formula when necessary.

I stopped pumping around week 5 because it seemed to be hurting my supply for feeding and after that we were cruising with EBF for weeks.

In the last couple weeks I’ve noticed my breasts have sort of deflated and my supply seems to have lowered.

I have been on hormonal birth control for about 5 weeks and I have also been losing some pp weight. I have been continuously eating oatmeal, lean protein, leafy greens and legumes. I take all the recommended breastfeeding supplements.

I’m thinking about pumping again for the next few weeks to work on my supply but tbh even when I do pump I’ve always only gotten like 1-2oz.

I’m feeling a bit panicking and crushed that my breastfeeding days could be ending. Was anyone else in a similar situation and able to get their supply up?

I see all these breastfeeding ads with fridges and freezers full of milk, it makes me feel like a failure. I have a few stray freezer bags of 0.5-1oz
@brokenlife Take a look at the three month feeding crisis. At this point your boobs are no longer "storing" milk but making it on demand instead. That's likely why your boobs feel less full. It also means baby has to suckle for a couple of minutes before letdown happens. Honestly, it's normal. With all the challenges you've had though - I completely understand the worry! X
@brokenlife 1-2oz from pumping is totally normal for many women (me included!) - babies are far more efficient at extracting milk than pumps. We always say that ‘soft boobs are happy boobs’ - your supply has regulated meaning that very full or engorged feeling has gone, as your body knows how much to produce for your baby. As long as the baby is gaining weight and having plenty of wet and dirty nappies then you’re fine. I used to drive myself crazy about low supply from looking at those freezer pics too but I’m 5.5 months into breastfeeding my 75th centile baby so ultimately the proof is in the pudding! Good luck.
@sopop Thank you for this! It makes me feel a lot better!

Yes, she is a diaper machine, she’s just gaining weight somewhat slowly. She’s in more like the 40th percentile after being in the 55th.
@brokenlife Your supply is likely regulating. Most women start with a bit of an oversupply and then it decreases to closer to baby’s actual needs. This is a good thing, as it is protective against mastitis, although it can make it harder to pump as much. It’s very common for it to cause confusion and panic but is a healthy step in breastfeeding.
@brokenlife I truly understand how sad it is to think you are losing your supply. I was the exact same I'm now 15 weeks pp so still in the thick of it I thought that I was only producing at most an once from each breast because thats what inwould be able to pump. But baby was fine we continued to have enough wet diapers and she seemed like her normal self.

After much "research" talking to my mom and all of her friends who breastfed I realized my supply was just starting to regulate. To have freezers full of milk AND feed your baby you would need a MASSIVE over supply. I also like the reassurance of having milk in the freezer so if I need a break I can get one. I will pump if I feel heavy; put round one milk in the fridge; pump the next day when I'm heavy, combine the milks when appropriate repeat the next day or however long you feel comfortable having the milk in the fridge for. Just freeze it if it's not being used and then date it for the very first day (I started pumping on the 12th continued until the cycle until the 15th, then date the bag for the 12th if that makes sense).

Its also important to note that your baby does a much better job of getting milk out than a pump. Of you are really anxious about it you can always do a weighted feed weigh babe before, feed, weigh babe after I really thought you just fed them on the scale 🫠

Formula is always there too. I love the bonding of breastfeeding and I know I will cry like no other when this journey is over but sometimes I need a break so I will pump and dad will give her a formula bottle. I started getting a bit of a stash that way too.

No matter what you are doing an amazing job taking care of your babe, you are a wonderful mom, and you can do this!

disclaimer I'm a FTM so I might not be doing anything "right"