
  1. 1

    Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

    My son is 9 months old. My son has severe food allergies that require us to carry an epipen everywhere. One of them is eggs. We had a potluck at our church today and I set him up in the highchair at the table next to my husbands grandmother and gave him puffs. They’re a safe food and he loves...
  2. J

    At what age does having one semi-absent parent effect a child long term

    I'll save you the backstory and make it brief. I have a new work schedule in a new city, I might be away from my kids (1 y/o and 3 y/o) for 3 weeks of the month, with 1 week off that I could spend with them 24/7. This would be temporary until mid next year when the oldest will be almost 4...
  3. G

    Understanding sons blood test results - Hemoglobin

    Hi. So the pediatrician just called and said my 1 year old is anemic. His hemoglobin is 10.7 g/dL and it should be 12.5. He eats a lot of iron rich foods so I am confused by these results. Also, from researching, it looks like some charts don’t believe 10.7 g/dL is low? Although, sounds like...
  4. S

    Daycare - teacher replacement

    Hey everyone, this is throwaway account b/c I dont want to write this out through main account. Just want to gear sane opinions against maybe my paranoid one (I am a father of daughter, maybe I am a little emotional right now) So my daughter who is 3 years old has been going to daycare for 6...
  5. P

    How many days in preschool?

    My daughter turns 3 in September and will be starting preschool. They have 3,4, or 5 day options. She’ll be there from 9am to 11:30. Any evidence that points towards more or less days being beneficial? I decided to put her in for 4 days Mon - Thursday so she can stay home on Fridays and...
  6. D

    Clingy 10 month-old

    I have two girls - 5 years & 10 months. My eldest was a loaf of bread (easiest baby on the planet.) She was agreeable, rarely cried, was fine with any caretaker, etc. My youngest is throwing me for a LOOP. She’s incredibly healthy & hitting milestones early - but she’s unbelievably clingy...
  7. T

    Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?

    My one year old is meant to have his settle sessions at nursery (what we call daycare here) tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Three times one hour and one time two hours. Just got an email from them saying there's a d and v bug going around. They're asking folk with symptoms not to...
  8. R

    Still not adjusted at daycare after over 3 months -- help!

    Y'all, my girl (21 months) has been going to daycare part-time since March. We did a gradual transition, she was going on her own by mid April. And I thought it was going well. Some emotional days but some happy days, and usually no tears at drop-off. But I got a call the other day and...
  9. C

    PUPD method- why not? Opinion needed!

    Hi! I have a 7m LO and am super into gentle parenting, including sleep! She has been a terrible sleeper since birth and we bedshare + I breastfeed her every wake up, sometimes its hourly, sometimes every 2 h on a good night. I’m a big fan of heysleepybaby and absolutely agree with her on...
  10. S

    Preschool? She just turned two.

    I need some back and forth because my mom anxiety isn't letting me think straight. So my daughter just turned 2 this month. Our only current care option that is affordable is a pre‐school that opened nearby. The told us a lot about how they are Waldorf/Vygotsky school and something about Tools...
  11. F

    Can you have a strong attachment if you bottle feed? Feeling sad and insecure.

    I was severely depressed for a while for not breastfeeding. I was haunted by thought I wasn’t bonding with baby as much as other moms. Having to make my baby wait while crying for the bottle to warm killed me. I exclusively pump and while that in itself is whole other exhausting story, I slowly...
  12. B

    How to cope with feelings associated with less time with children?

    Two months ago I decided to leave my partner of 9 years. We have two kids together (5 and 2.5), and fortunately they seem to be handling it well all things considered (e.g., good reports from daycare/kindergarten, no major regressions, generally the same demeanour as before). My partner did not...
  13. J

    Please do *not* buy your kids Hoo Jit Zu toys

    I’m an RN who works at the poison center, and a parent. The statement below is my own, and not related to my provider. We’ve seen a huge influx recently in ingestion of water beads (aka Orbeez), and a new culprit is the Goo Jit Zu toys. Water beads can cause a lot of issues, most namely a...
  14. E

    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    I’m curious what happens to infants with parent-led sleep associations (I.e. need support falling asleep after each sleep cycle) who are not sleep trained. However, I’m not looking for the pros and cons of sleep training :) I can find lots of info on that online but having trouble finding out...
  15. E

    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    UPDATE: it was the most likely answer. Grandma was wrong, dad is B+. I’m not sure where else to ask, and it looks like this might be my best bet! I was always under the impression that O+ and O+ would make another O+ but kiddo is apparently B+! From what I’ve read, that suggests that: one of...
  16. K

    Taking on my girlfriend’s kids

    My gf is the one. So I’ve had to accept that she will come with her two kids which are extension of her so I’ll learn to love them etc etc. However it’s SO stressful. They are 2 and 5 respectively. I’ve no experience with kids prior to this so I’m really in the deep end. When we go for a kind...
  17. X

    Egg allergy that gets worse before it gets better?

    My daughter has an egg allergy. 1 year ago when she was around 10 months old, she tested at 2.2 IgE kU/L. This year, after a year of baked egg goods, her levels had risen to 11.8 IgE kU/L, pushing her from a Category 2 to Category 3. The allergist basically told us that they are not sure why...
  18. Z

    the changes between 6-9 months range has been insane!!!

    and i miss my teensy baby. i look back in the early days and think about how much i was struggling, that i didn't soak in the newborn moments like i could have. i miss the days of my daughter being STILL! she's 8.5 months and is standing (newest milestone), crawling, getting into everything...
  19. E

    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    We have a 7 week-old l/o who will only turn his head to the left when laying on his back. We have tried to promote turning to the right while on his back by placing stimulating items and interacting with him on his right and making the left side unstimulating, but he will just shift his eyes to...
  20. W

    Toddler sleep: at my wits end

    Hi parents. I come here with a very heavy heart. I have a 15-month-old boy. He has been a terrible sleeper since day 1. Dad and I were against sleep training from the start. We (LO and I) co-sleep at night and still breastfeed. But we are at the stage now where LO wakes up to 10 times per...