
  1. J

    How much expressed breast milk or formula (I’m feeding both) should I feed my 8.5 month old per 24 hours?

    I’m struggling with milk supply. I’m not even sure if I need the formula.
  2. D

    Feel like I did cio

    So today I had my mil over to help with LO, (almost 5m) while I was getting ready for a job interview (shower etc) LO was tired and was getting upset (he’s also easily frustrated atm, wants to move independently but obvs just not quite there yet) and he was crying in MIL arms. Now this isn’t...
  3. A

    How to support a gifted child?

    Our toddler (3.5) is likely gifted. We can't/don't want to get him assessed until he's 4 or 5, but our pediatrician, daycare staff, friends, and other doctors have commented about how advanced he is. This isn't something we bring up because (i) we don't want to label him this early and (ii)...
  4. E

    Best time and age to attempt transferring naps to cot

    I have a 3.5 month old and he sleeps in his cot at night but we contact nap during the day because naps in his cot are very short (20-45mins) and he’s prone to overtiredness. I’m ok with it for now but it doesn’t feel sustainable long term (I’d like to be able to sleep too or do some stretching...
  5. F

    Supplements Pregnancy

    Hey you guys, my first pregnancy was unplanned, I wasn’t taking good care of myself before finding out and had a rough pregnancy. My daughter thankfully is very healthy (she turned 3 recently) but this time I would like to be as healthy as possible (assuming I get pregnant, planning on starting...
  6. B

    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    I’m done. Today it finally happened. The straw that broke the camel’s back. We were in the living room, baby was on the floor on the mat, husband was sitting next to them. Baby did a big stretch and husband didn’t say “ooo big stretch.” So now I have to leave him. Thoughts and prayers at this...
  7. J

    My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

    We have fights tomorrow, the first, to Puerto Rico. My dad is expecting us and was going to help with the baby. This trip was to celebrate our hard first year as parents. All due to his issues. I’ve been the rock this year. And our baby turning one in Jan. Last night, the last of the family...
  8. 1

    Advice on use of fan in baby’s room (benefits and SIDS prevention)

    My 3 month old baby currently room shares with my spouse and I. We have been sleeping with the ceiling fan on, mostly because I read somewhere (back when I had my first almost 5 years ago) that doing so reduces the risk of SIDS. My baby is a great sleeper, she’ll sleep 5-7 hrs before waking up...
  9. L

    First time mom wanting advise on holiday travel

    My baby is 4months old. We live 8 hours away from family. family wants us to travel to them for the holidays. I don’t want to travel for our 1st holidays together. I’ve done the trip 2x already, and 2x to Vegas is his family can spend time with my child. I’m done. Any advice on how to to tell...
  10. S

    How to not be irrationally resentful at husband for getting full sleep every night?

    I take every night shift for our 6-week-old as I'm breast feeding. A couple weeks in I was going a bit crazy so I asked my husband to take 1 feeding a night. Initially asked him to take the early a.m. feeding at 5:30 or 6. For a variety of reasons he said he could not with work, etc. So gave him...
  11. S

    How to get kids to understand I need alone time

    I’m a single mom of a 9 and 4 year old. My daughters father died last year. My sons father isn’t around and hasn’t been since he was 6 months old. ( very abusive and went to jail for abusing me while pregnant) Only type of father figure he knew was my oldest a father who died. I work and go to...
  12. J

    Am I selfish for not filing CS?

    Background: In early 2021, I fooled around with two men and got pregnant. One of the men was a brief fling and someone I had previously dated casually for a short time. (I’ll call him S). The other man was my new partner I was casually dating (I’ll call him C). I had my fling with S before I...
  13. P

    Parlez-vous français ? Do you speak french ? The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) is here to help

    With 1 billion citizens, 80 member countries on the 5 continents representing over a third of U.N members and 20% of the world's commercial exchanges, the OIF is one of the largest political, economical and cultural organisations along with the U.N, the E.U and the Commonwealth of Nations...
  14. J

    Hi! I'm looking for help\recommendations for a replacement for my son's sensory toy! Any help appreciated!

    So my son has autism and he absolutely loves his 'playdough' and it gets him through a lot of meltdowns and helps him sit through online classes. The problem is his 'playdough' is the wax that comes on Babybel cheeses! So it's hard to come by and not the best idea for longer play because it came...
  15. I

    Being a SAHM when you’re sick is impossibly hard

    I’ve come down with something and it has knocked me on my ass. I walk to the kitchen and I am so exhausted it feels like I may faint. I have an almost 5 year old son who is very attached to me. He doesn’t like to do anything on his own. Even if he’s watching TV or playing a game on my iPad he...
  16. K

    Her dad wants to meet her after 6 years

    My daughter is 6 she has never met her dad in-person I encourage her to call and text him and that's the only way she knows on the phone he told her he was gonna come see her real soon and she got nervous and is making herself not feel good she's so nervous she can't use the bathroom...
  17. L

    I’m living in my future nostalgia

    Right now I’m sitting next to my recently turned 7 month old who is sleeping on our floor bed in our small studio apartment. There’s music playing out of a speaker on the kitchen counter that we listened to as I danced him to sleep. The light outside our front door is peaking through the kitchen...
  18. J

    “Didn’t you see them do that last time?!”

    Guys, it’s only 8AM and I’m over it 🙃 I get up, get my daughter up, and as I’m throwing her poopy diaper out back, she starts getting into a bag of recyclables that my husband left on the floor by the back door. So, I grabbed the bag and stuck it outside. Move on, let my dogs in, fed them...
  19. R

    Which one of these jobs would you take as a working mom?

    Job1: M-F With traffic it will probably be out of the home 6 am until 4-6 pm. 5 weeks vacation. (Also lower stress while I’m there as well). Job 2: M-F 6 am until 6-8 pm for 2 weeks, then one week of nights, then one week off. Also about one 48 hr weekend shift once a month. Total is 16 weeks...
  20. S

    Super proud of my little human tonight

    My daughter L is 9, and tonight she had her best friend, H, over who is also 9. H is our next door neighbor and spends a lot of time at our house, we love having her around. Tonight H had a number 2 type of accident. Like, a need-new-pants-oh-god-it's-everywhere type of accident. L took her to...