
  1. Y

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    My baby is finally wanting something to suck on. (9+ weeks) He hasn’t cared much for the pacifier, but we’ve tried since week one, and continue to do so. He will take to it maybe once a day. He just recently started getting his hand to his mouth, but I’d honestly rather him not get into the...
  2. B

    My kid is too smart for his own good seems like

    My 3 1/2 year old is very understanding, very goofy, I mean your typical kid BUT VERY TECHNICAL he even does things as if he’s been on earth before, however… he will not let me or his dad teach him ANYTHING he likes to do everything on his own ONLY. He refuses to look & learn meaning if you say...
  3. H

    What does your younger toddlers sleep look like?

    For example, my 17 month old goes to bed between 8:30-9, typically sleeps through the night, wakes up at 6am on the dot regardless off bedtime, naps around 11am for 1.5-2 hours. I know all kids are different with their sleep needs but I’m curious what everyone else’s young toddlers sleep looks...
  4. C

    7 year old using the N word

    When she does use bad words I warn her the 1st time and give her a time out the 2nd time. I hate this word and feel it is worse. I tried to explain this is the worst of the worst bad words but she doesn't get it. DobI treat it like any other bad word or make the punishment worse?
  5. S

    Daughter broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years & it’s like I’m going through a breakup.

    I’m so upset and angry. She’s an adult but lives at home. I resisted getting to know him at first because I didn’t think they’d stay together long term. Then they talked about moving in together and getting married so I got to know him. He became like a son. He would text my husband for fatherly...
  6. P

    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    I am on a low-carb diet and have been for years (about 50-100 g/day). I was tested for gestational diabetes using the following protocol: on March 7: about 2 hours after eating 2 hard boiled eggs and an espresso with cream: HBA1C 4.9% or 30.1 mmol/L Blood sugar in Serum: 70 mg/dL on March...
  7. T

    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    Posted in r/exclusivepumping and recommended to post here I became a FTM to twins 8 weeks ago this Thursday! After lots of triple feeding and really trying to make breastfeeding work, I went to exclusive pumping last week and it's worked so much better for us, and has been a life saver for my...
  8. S

    Frequency of meltdowns

    I'm curious: how many times a week do/did other people's toddlers have a meltdown - e.g. throwing themselves on the floor screaming - over something that would appear minor to most adults? I read on an ADHD resource that neurotypical toddlers only tend to do that around twice a week, whereas...
  9. A

    Help: i cannot sleep when my baby sleeps!

    We are currently trying to do some sort of sleep training meaning I lay my 7 MO girl in her crib and gently tap her back while she wine a little and she falls asleep within minutes. We used to bedshare and she was on my breast almost every 1 to 3 h at night. Now she is going down to 1-2 feed at...
  10. L

    Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

    I have a 3 week old. I am acutely aware of the fact that she needs to eat every 2-3 hours. When she cries, I always think about when she last ate and try to see if she needs to eat again. But sometimes she's just crying. Sometimes she ate 40 minutes ago and now she's just fussy. When that...
  11. R

    Early wake-ups, previously ‘sleep trained’ 15 month old

    Our sleep training went quite smoothly, so much so, we didn’t have to do much other than give him the opportunity to resettle himself and he did and it was a blessing. Now we’re, I’m assuming, at a point where he’s going to transition to one nap and the wake ups are a steady 5 am daily… also...
  12. C

    pack n play safe sleep?

    I'm wondering if a pack n play (with nothing else in it besides what it comes with) is considered safe sleep? My 11lb preemie just started rolling so (I didn't realize this) we need to transition her out of her bassinet. I don't feel ready for her to sleep in her own room and our house is small...
  13. J

    Hunt, gather, parent

    I’m currently reading Michaeleen Doucleff’s book Hunt, Gather, Parent. I’m trying to turn off the part of my brain that has a degree in anthropology.* But as a parenting guidebook it’s got very practical advice and interesting real world examples from the author’s own life and the families she...
  14. J


    Are you a mother of a child aged 8 to 12? If so, you may be eligible to participate in our research study. Your participation can help us better understand different aspects of child development, youth mental health, and the parent-child relationship. The study involves a visit to the...
  15. I

    Sibling Rivalry (ages 6 and 4)

    I’m looking for guidance on how to approach a consistent and upsetting situation at home. I have two daughters, 6.5 and 4.5 years old. For the most part they love each other and play well. They have generally calm demeanors (enjoy coloring and imaginative play) but my oldest (“C”) is always...
  16. H

    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    Our 7-week old baby is exclusively formula-fed and has been low-key struggling with constipation from birth. We’re consulting with healthcare providers to find ways to make it better for her. One nurse has suggested adding a small amount of extra water to every formula bottle, so as to “ensure...
  17. M

    Sick of everyone trying to buy baby shoes

    Yes LO is walking but it's not even summer. He's not going outside where shoes are necessary yet and we plan on taking him to stride right to get him properly fitted. But everyone wants to buy him shoes. When I say he's not wearing shoes indoors people feel personally attacked. HoW WiLl HiS...
  18. A

    At what age is it safe for baby to bedshare with others?

    My baby is 9 months old. I’ve read the safe sleep 7 and bedshare with him every night. At what age is it safe for babies to sleep with an overnight caregiver who’s not the parent(e.g., grandma, aunt, friend)? He’s walking already and I honestly feel ok if they wanted to bedshare with him to make...
  19. C

    Struggling to balance newborn and toddler sleep

    I have a 23 month old and a 3 week old. My 23 month old has never been a “good” sleeper, but we always made it work. I coslept with her in her room for a while, but during my pregnancy we transitioned her to a floor bed bc I knew I couldn’t cosleep with her while having a newborn. She did pretty...
  20. S

    20-30 minute naps

    My 11 month old has been taking two 20-30 minute naps a day at daycare the past month. She used to do two hour long naps, now we can only get her to do that on the weekends if we contact nap which we don’t mind, but even then sometimes only 45 minutes and worry about her daycare days. I’m really...