
  1. Y

    Anyone else following the Possums sleep approach?

    Update!: For those asking about my experience, I’m going to do my best to concisely explain the main points of the approach, and add my personal experience as well. Possums is a sleep research institute that focuses on maternal well being, breastfeeding, and infant/toddler sleep (and how these...
  2. S

    Any advice for a single mom w. 13 y/o ....trying to make new friends w. Kids posssibly?

    Hey Parents & family 30f & I have a 13 yr old son.....Its always been just us 2 and thats fine of course ...HOWEVER some times I need some adult time with a little judgement free condo....We live in California & most ppl out here are users and just not genuine ppl.However I don't want to...
  3. S

    My 4 y/o told me her teacher took her to her house

    My daughter told me her teacher took her to her house because she's a good girl and she's quiet. Now to me this is highly inappropriate, she has a a total of 4 teachers and she stated that there was another girl there but she doesn't go to her school nor does she remember her name. Mind you my 4...
  4. N

    Guidance for limits in roaming privileges for a ten year old? Does my break-down of limits align with development?

    EDIT It is not anxiety that made this post so long. I have ADHD and was raised in an abusive/neglectful home and am over-compensating as a trauma recovery process. I shouldn’t have to disclose my medical and trauma history in order for a question to be taken seriously - y’all have some serious...
  5. P

    I miss my son’s twin

    The wife (34F) and I (34M) agreed last year to try for a baby. We were incredibly blessed and got pregnant within 60 days and were over the moon. Fast forward to week 8 where we had to go to the ER for abdominal pain...Turns out she had a heterotopic pregnancy. Trigger warning: unpleasantness...
  6. M

    King-Size Floor Bed Frame?

    Hi APs! We have our king mattress on the floor for co-sleeping, which has been very practical but NOT very stylish. I have been looking for a "frame" of some sort that will not necessarily elevate the bed, but provide a more intentional, finished look to the space. I'm considering something...
  7. N

    Boys to men

    I just wanna know do any other single moms raising boys alone ,ever worry about like how is a woman supposed to raise a man. when I don’t know shit about what it’s like to be a man, let alone how to raise one.. I feel so bad for my son he didn’t ask to be here. I feel helpless and he’s only 3...
  8. V

    Seating in front of a campfire smoke, implication to our and our children health?

    Hello, I'm looking for any study, or even YT videos regarding air pollution around the fire pit - but no luck so far :( I would like to build some some smokeless fire pit for my family (like this one ) Does anyone of you have a PM particle monitor/air pollution monitor and could measure the...
  9. P

    I f**ed up!

    This is what has happened today - I was on my commute home from work and saw this lovely mum wearing her tiny baby with the same carrier I own, butt she was wearing her wrong. Baby was buried deep in her chest in warm clothes and the carrier was really low. Now I never ever do this so God...
  10. R

    S.O.S. Second baby coming tomorrow and I’m panicking

    I’m currently the dad of an 18 month old boy. He is the culmination of all the things I have done in my life. He is my best friend and the reason I wake up in the morning. Tomorrow, my fiancé is being induced with our second(*surprise) baby and I’m really struggling. We’ve nested and readied...
  11. L

    Strategies for soothing separation anxiety when 8 month old is with his dad?

    My 8.5 month old baby is in the midst of a number of developmental leaps at the moment (standing up, starting to cruise, increased babbling, pincer grasp, teething...) and has had a major increase in separation anxiety to go along with it. He has always been super attached to me; we're...
  12. B

    7 month old cosleeping advice?

    For some context: 0-4 months: swaddled. baby slept in Snoo overnight at the end of our bed and did contact naps or naps in the crib in a lounger. Got 2 hour stretches overnight until 3 months, and only 45 minute naps… then between 3-4 months, did one long stretch for first half then up every...
  13. S

    "Does she behave?"

    This is really just a pure vent. I'm flippin' sick of ppl asking "Is she well-behaved?", "How was she at the event--did she behave?", and saying shit like "She's learning she can get what she wants if you pick her up every time she cries." and "You should do X, Y, and Z this way, or she'll learn...
  14. P

    God I hate my 5 year old right now

    EVERYTHING is an absolute struggle. Going to school? Hell. Going out somewhere. Hell. Going to bed. Don’t even get me started. This twerp is just a rotten asshole right now. Obviously I’d never call him that and that’s why I take pleasure in doing so here in what I’m boldly assuming is a safe...
  15. S

    Eating behavior in babies/toddlers - what to support, when to actively intervene?

    As father of a nearly one year old and with a strongly food related background, I wonder about eating habits in my daughter and other toddlers in my surrounding. I know there are rough suggestions like a food pyramid for kids a.s.o., together with "each kid is different, don't push anything too...
  16. A

    Do you have a landline? How would your kids make emergency calls?

    Do y’all have landlines at home? If not, do you have any setup where your kids could make emergency calls? I use my cell phone as my primary phone. My kids are too young to have phones (pre-k), but my oldest is old enough to have my number memorized, and it occurred to me I should also teach...
  17. G

    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    My husband and I are expecting our daughter in early December. I am all about gentle parenting but he doesn't know much about it. He agrees with spanking depending on the situation and I do not. I want to have a good discussion with him about our personal views on parenting so we can get a...
  18. M

    Tired of the Same ole Children's Music? Have a Toddler?

    Hi guys, My name is Jeff and am a Dad to a crazy, curious lil toddler named Hendrix. He has been inspiring me to write some original, funky fresh music for toddlers (and their parents). If you are a fan of fun, beat-driven, energetic music that blends Jimi Hendrix, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z...
  19. Y

    How are y’all building cooperative relationships?

    LO is 2 and a few months and it is such a struggle to get her diaper or clothes changed sometimes. I want us to have a collaborative and cooperative relationship, so I’d like to avoid forcing her, but sometimes we just need to get her diaper/shirt/pants on or off. She (understandably) gets so...
  20. M

    Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

    EDIT: Thanks everyone for the insightful advice. I have decided that I don't want my 9 y/o "in charge" of their sibling. So I won't have the younger kid walk home, only the oldest. My partner has gone from leaning towards "no" to undecided. They will continue to think about it and when they...