
  1. G

    Help! My baby fell off the bed last night

    Our 10 mo old sleeps in a sidecar crib on my side of the bed. I try to create a barrier with my body that prevents her from leaving the confines of the crib but sometimes I roll over in my sleep. Last night she crawled to the end of the bed and fell off. Luckily she is ok, quit crying the...
  2. A

    Always justifying how I take care of LO

    I am always justifying why I still put LO in the carrier to make her sleep at 10 MO, the fact that I pick her up during the night if she cries, the fact that I have Baby Tracker to know how long she has been awake/changed diaper/ate, the fact that I don't let her taking everything as she pleases...
  3. T

    Found this great board game selection tool and I tweaked it a bit to help parents pick a great board game for their kids

    I figured with xmas coming up, lots of people are looking for gifts for their kids, and I think boardgames make a great gift. But a lot of the most popular board games are horrible, so how do you find the best games? has this great tool on their forums: The boardgamegeek...
  4. B

    Too affectionate with toddler?

    Was taking to my husband today about how friends of ours like being around us/our toddler (20 months) because he’s affectionate. Their kiddo largely isn’t, but becomes more affectionate when we’re around (e.g., gives a hug if asked if they want to; spontaneously offers hugs/kisses to parents -...
  5. F

    Fertility and the COVID vaccine: a scientific breakdown

    Wanted to share a few great, easy to understand articles that break down the pervasive myths around fertility and the COVID vaccine, since I still keep seeing fertility concerns post vaccine pop up in various mom groups. They’re great shares for those who are vaccine or booster hesitant because...
  6. P

    My kid can get very angry for something very insignificant, can I trigger her to teach her how to handle anger?

    For context: single mom, 2 kids, high conflict divorce, kids don't wanna go to my ex anymore but are required to do so (court order), my 9 y.o. girl can get extremely angry for something very insignificant (e.g. when we play a game and she loses, when we go swimming and she gets wet (yes...
  7. A

    US Home Birth: Join me on a casual meta analysis and personal case study

    Hello fellow science-minded parents! My spouse and I are discussing trying to get pregnant with our second child. As part of that discussion, we are contemplating if home birth would be a suitable option. There are a number of personal reasons why we are considering this, but none of them are...
  8. F

    U.K. School Incident - how serious is this?

    My 13 year old boy was in class. The teacher left the room, another boy ran over to son and told him to move his legs or he will ‘rag him out of this chair’ - my son said no so the bully grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of his chair, and threw him across the room. The boy then sat...
  9. K

    I had to listen to my SiLs baby CIO over the holidays

    And it absolutely solidified my reasoning and belief that a baby should never, ever, be left alone to cry in a dark, unfamiliar room for hours. My nephew is about 20 months old. My SiL and her husband seem to be absolutely clueless on his cues with anything and would put him down to sleep when...
  10. O

    3 year old screaming when 1 year old comes near

    My 3-year-old daughter often screams "NO! HE'S GOING TO TAKE MY _____!! (toys, lunch, etc) YOU NEED TO MOVE HIM AWAY!!" when my 1-year-old son walks into a room she's in. They play just fine together when she's not so scared about this. I can get that she feels scared he's going to mess with or...
  11. E

    13 Hour Drive w/ 4 Month Old

    I am about to make a drive down to see my family with my four month old, husband not coming. Does anyone have tips/tricks/recommendations for such a long drive with a baby? I’m planning on leaving around 7 PM and driving as much as I can through the night so that she sleeps. Is that a horrible...
  12. H

    How do you teach young children (around age 3-6) personal hygiene?

    I'm curious how everyone teaches their children how to clean themselves (brushing teeth, washing hands, using the restroom, etc) when they were really young? Do you do the activities with them? And at around what age were they able to do these tasks by themselves?
  13. K

    I wrote a children’s book to explain viruses to kids…. so you don’t have to

    Hi all! I have a graduate degree in bioengineering, work in STEM, and doodle for fun. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I felt there was a ton of information being thrown at us all at once (and of it some misinformation). There was also a big gap of materials catered to kids that explains it in a...
  14. P

    Q/A for parents: Transitioning from crib to big kid bed

    How did you determine when it was time to move your little one from their crib into a big kid bed? My little one has been sleeping through the night and falling asleep easily for some time now, but I'm concerned she might get up and play instead of going to bed or wander in the middle of the...
  15. J

    studies on nature v nurture - all flawed?

    This may be one of those things for which there isn't truly an answer. I watched this interview with Erica Komisar, who strongly advocates for attachment theory. She suggests that an appropriate amount of time to be physically away from a child is their age - so no time for a baby, 1h for a...
  16. E

    2.5 year old thumb sucking

    My daughter had a pacifer and we weaned her from it around 18 months. It went super well and no tears at all. Now, she has a 6 month old baby brother who of course loves sucking on his fingers and thumb. So she recently has began sucking her thumb to mimic his behaviour (I’m assuming). At...
  17. P

    AITA:My son’s father wants to cut my son’s Locs off against his wishes. I’m trying to stop it

    Our son is 10. Only the top portion of his head has locs. He’s been growing his hair out for some years now and he’s grown to love his hair. His dad feels he should revisit locs later in life and to cut it off. Only because when the style isn’t fresh anymore he doesn’t like it. But my argument...
  18. S

    9 month old is waking up for 1-2 hours at night now

    My baby has never been a great sleeper although he has done longer stretches lately. But recently when he wakes up he will be up for an hour or two before finally falling and staying asleep. It seems like he is tired because he will keep his eyes closed but if I try to set him in his crib he...
  19. F

    Love bedsharing, but my husband feels lonely and neglected

    Our 1 year always wakes within 45 minutes of going to sleep, so my husband and I have very little alone time. By the time I set him down and head downstairs, I've got around 30 minutes with my husband before im back on duty. We have a sidecar crib, but I don't feel safe leaving him in there if...
  20. A

    Older baby too big for C curve

    Hi all - I've searched the sub and thought this would be a common topic, but maybe it is just me... :0 I bedshare with my soon to be 8 month old baby girl. I'm a small person (5''2). Baby used to be small too but she's grown rapidly!! She likes to fall asleep on the boob at night. When she...