
  1. M

    What does sleep through the night mean and when?

    I used to think it means they can sleep uninterrupted for x hour, does not wake up, and wake up at Y. E.g 9-7 am straight. My LO is almost 2 and still wakes up every 3 hours for boob. Some parents coslesp and don’t even remember if kid woke up in between so I’d like to hear when your...
  2. B

    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    Hi! How are your 6-7 month olds sleeping? This is my second baby and I forget how my first was at this age so need a gut check to not feel like we are on an island or we are doing something wrong with his sleep. My LO is 6.5 months, spends the first few hrs of the night in his bed but then...
  3. N

    Radon in an older home

    Hi all, I am living in a finished basement apartment with my toddler and infant while we remodel our upstairs living areas over the next couple years. TLDR is I don’t know how dangerous it actually is to have young kids exposed to any given level of radon for any amount of time, and I don’t...
  4. H

    we have 5 months to be toilet independent

    Hey - the title isn’t as dramatic as it seems. This year I am considering making the switch from daycare to preK-3 at a private school in town. the only requirement we do not meet is toilet independence. my bud can use the toilet when prompted, and with low pushback, most days. This includes...
  5. N

    Extracurriculars for a 16 year old

    Hi all trying to get some advice here. I am a parent based in Melbourne Australia and heres my 16 year old boy's schedule: Monday: Band 7am -8:20am, School 8:30am -3:30pm, Cadet Corps 3:30am - 5pm Tuesday: School 8:30am -3:30pm, Football Training 3:30 - 5pm, Theatre 5:30am -8pm Wednesday...
  6. C

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds?

    What are your favorite resources on cultivating creativity in 2-4 year olds? I've heard of creating invitations to play and process art... I'd love to learn more about the former (like how to do it well), and other things we could do as parents. I'm interested in creativity in the broadest...
  7. X

    Overstimulated and drowning

    Rant warning sorry I don’t know how yall do it.. I’m so depressed I moved from Oregon to Arkansas, reasons we lived are -To be closer to my dad and stepmom -My partner got a job welding and they taught him how and he got paid for the classes and stuff -And cheaper place to live -hope to be...
  8. V

    FYI: 14+ Leapfrog items on sale via Amazon Lightning Deals tomorrow (Sept 15th)

    Hello /r/raisingkids firstly - i read the rules, and hope that this post is acceptable. I'm truly trying to be helpful, not spammy. But if this is not helpful, please downvote, or mods, please tell me how to modify or simply remove. anyway - i just wanted to let this sub know about the fact...
  9. J

    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    Hi everyone! So my 10yr old daughter is usually very kind and loves helping other kids out when she can, she will go as far as to skip recess if it means helping a fellow classmate finish homework. Last night during dinner, she was cackling, just laughing and laughing remembering something that...
  10. E

    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    My in laws exposed my 4 month old to covid today without telling me anyone was sick. I had a very low breastmilk supply and stopped pumping at 3 months PP. Bc breastmilk has more nutrients and antibodies, I saved some of my milk before I stopped. I have a few bags frozen in the freezer but not a...
  11. D

    Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

    My toddler (2.5) says he thinks it is fun to push his baby brother (11mo). Often times the baby will be walking around and toddler will run up to him and powerfully shove him to the ground where the baby will often hit his head. This will happen within a minute of me being out of direct reach of...
  12. F

    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    I know Emily Oster is controversial here. I don’t necessarily agree with all of her takes nor do I think (unfortunately) she’s necessarily great at assessing the state of the field on every topic she writes on, and I don’t always agree with how she presents the data she does share. However - I...
  13. H

    Does anyone have a copy of the EPDS-P screening questionnaire for postnatal depression in men?

    I can find the regular EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) for women but there is a validated “partner” version where mothers can score their partners for postnatal depression. I can’t find it anywhere online. I’m hoping to use it to broach the topic with my partner. I’ll be asking my...
  14. B

    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    I’d like to know if I’m out of line here. My 8 month old baby is an extremely sensitive, high needs baby who hates car rides with a burning passion. If we’re in the car for more than 10 minutes she cries, screams, hyperventilates, even chokes on her spit and stops breathing. We also suspect she...
  15. P

    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    Tldr: 5 year old has previously behaved fine at half day pre-k, but now at full day kindergarten is not listening and being defiant. Simply talking to him about the behavior and encouraging him to listen hasn't worked. Any ideas for the next step/other things to try? My 5 year old stepson...
  16. S

    How to Support a Highly Sensitive child?

    1. Allow them some "alone" time The most important thing for a parent with a very sensitive child is to understand them and accept them as they are. A HSC needs their own space and time to recharge themselves. This can be as important as breathing. 2. Show some Empathy A common question many...
  17. G

    The conversion you have when introducing a partner with your kids as more than a friend (age 7-9)

    Any advice on how the actual conversation to be with my child to say that my 'friend' is more? From reading around, my thoughts are talking about it separately with my child to ask what she thinks if my 'friend' is my girlfriend, what she thinks, questions and after a week of processing, having...
  18. M

    Cross-post: EMF safety in baby's room

    Cross-posted to nostupidquestions because. I'm a paranoid mom (with diagnosed OCD!), so please bear with me. I purchased an EMF and v/m meter and measured the wall my baby's crib is against. It measured 2.17 uT at its highest. There's Wi-Fi enabled pool equipment on the other side of thee wall...
  19. B

    Cosleeping 3.5 yo Attire

    We’ve been cosleeping with our daughter her whole life on and off she has phases where she wants her big girl twin bed. Now that she’s getting older there’s less space even in the new king bed for all of us. She’s usually in the middle. I wear a tee shirt and pants or shorts to bed. My husband...
  20. T

    What's working in big tech (e.g. FAANG) as a parent like?

    Hey parents, so I've been thinking what kind of benefits or allowances are accessible to you as parents or caregivers while working in Big Tech companies (Facebook, Amazon, Google, etc.). Are they legal where you live or the company just offers them as perks? Are you comfortable working with...