
  1. W

    Favorite parenting resources for boomer grandparents?

    Hi all, looking for some good material to share with some slightly old fashioned grandparents to help them understand some of the ways we do things now. In particular, not pushing kids for hugs, validating emotions, following the child’s lead, etc. Interested in books as well as podcasts or...
  2. S

    Raising kids on property

    Long story short, my husband and I have been together 15 years, married 5.5. We have two kids, 3 years old & 3 months old. When We first started dating, I said that I would be interested in having property/land eventually. (You learn so much about yourself over the years and esp after high...
  3. R

    Challenging my doctor’s potentially old school advice on solid food for baby

    I’m looking for sources which I can reference in discussion with my family doctor about my 6.5 month old eating solids. Background: at my sons 6 month check up we discussed starting solids. I’d started slowly at 5.5 months (when he showed signs of readiness) with a mostly BLW based approach...
  4. L

    Unvaccinated Nanny

    Wife and I were going out to get our Covid vaccine today and the nanny mentioned she never had a vaccine and never had covid. I was surprised because we used an agency which is supposed to screen for that but obviously didn't. I asked her why she never got vaccinated and she said she just...
  5. W

    Pre-K teacher says my 4 year old is stealing

    I would like to preface this by saying that my 4 year old often likes putting little things into their pockets. Things like rocks, leaves, tiny pine cones, tinsel, bottle caps, anything they find outside or around the house. I received an email from their Pre-K teacher today saying she would...
  6. J

    HepB Vaccine for Newborn

    Hello, our baby is being delivered via scheduled c-section on Thursday at 37w1d due to placenta complications. I am filling out the pre-paperwork and have agreed to Vitamin K, eye ointment, but the HepB vaccine is giving me pause. Let me be clear, my baby WILL get the HepB vaccine. However, at 3...
  7. M

    How to respond to the F bomb?

    Our lovely, hilarious 3yo has suddenly started saying “F*
  8. S

    How to talk about sex education to a child?

    Hi Parents of reddit, would like to ask a very serious advice. I help take care my sisters two little girls, both 5 and 8 years old. Both are very sweet, curious and clever. Let me go back a little bit and tell the story behind this, so my sister has a bi-polar, she divorced with her husband...
  9. L

    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    Hello! I’d be interested to hear from Mums who breastfed past 6 months about what sort of frequency of night feeding you saw from your little one around 6 months onwards. Extra details on whether you’re bedsharing, room sharing or in separate rooms would also be v interesting. Also curious to...
  10. C

    Updated Guidance for Covid bivalent eligibility for under 5 with Q&A

  11. A

    Four Year Old Fights Bedtime…HARD

    Good evening all, So sorry if this has been done to death, but I could use some advice, or at least a sympathetic ear. I have a four year old daughter. I would say 85% of the time she’s a delight. Good reports from PreK, good manners, plays well with others, and super sweet to me and her mom...
  12. S

    How do you make it through the first year?

    I’m drowning without consistent sleep. My 9mo wakes 2 times on a rare good night and 4+ times other nights so an most night I sleep 9:30-12:30, 1-3, 3:30-5, 5:30-7. He nurses back to sleep easily most nights and we often cosleep from 5-7. I don’t want to sleep train. But I’m also not sure I...
  13. S

    Leaving baby?

    Baby boy is 4m old. His gma, my MIL, comes here to our house twice a week to watch him while I nap or do chores and his dad takes him to his g-gmas every Sunday. My MIL has offered several times for me to drop him off there for a few hours so she and g-gma can sit. I don't know if it's just me...
  14. B

    Eugh...Just Eugh

    My nearly 1 year old still wakes up a lot during the night to nurse. I don't mind, we bed share and I love that she feels safe and happy when she's by me. Most importantly, since she was premature and still teeny tiny, giving her the extra calories is really important to me. Today, after...
  15. G

    Weekend away from a breastfeeding toddler [x-posted from r/breastfeeding]

    I originally posted this in r/breastfeeding but wanted to post it here too for an AP perspective. LO hasn't been away from me longer than a day at daycare and still nurses frequently when she's with me. Staying with grandma seems like the best solution to our situation but the thought has me...
  16. L

    Our family bicycling success story (crosspost to /r/bicycling)

    Our local Parks Department blessed us with a new greenway and a bridge across a nearby river. The new path opens up access to scores of neighborhoods, local parks, and most of all a major 2000+ acre park with paved trails. So my wife and I bought bikes and started getting back in shape. The...
  17. E

    Nursing to Sleep Q: Are you Burping your Baby?

    FTM, baby is almost 4 months. She’s outgrowing the reflux period, so I’m able to lay her down sooner after feeds (Yayyy to sleeping more) Wondering if other breastfeeding mamas are burping their LO after sleep feeds? I can usually get away with a quick over-the-shoulder burping session, as long...
  18. C

    Baby won’t sleep in Pack n Play on Vacation

    We are currently on our first vacation with our 11m baby to visit his grandpa since he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and can no longer travel to see him. We are staying at my parents place in an in law until so we have some privacy and quiet so baby can sleep when he needs to but for some reason...
  19. D

    My Chinese grandmother threatened to hit my son.. and refuses to apologize

    Hi all! My 80-year old Chinese grandmother is visiting my family over the summer and yesterday she suddenly went from happy and playing w my 2,5 year old boy (playing cleanup of confetti) to suddenly threatening to hit him because he didn’t put the confetti in the trashcan. I immediately...
  20. T

    6 weeks postpartum… I’m exhausted.

    Sitting here at 4:30 am unable to fall back asleep. Baby and toddler have both been up throughout the night multiple times. Husband is sleeping in a different part of the house, so I had to tend to them both per usual. Baby still wakes after 2 hour stretches of sleep. Still has a poor shallow...