
  1. T

    Alone w 3 children for a week…seeking tips

    Hi fellow Daddits, I posted on a similar topic before but it can’t hurt to recast your fishing line: I’m a SAHD and my wife is going out of town for work for six days/five nights. Kids are 7/4/1 yo. I’ve watched them like this twice before and it’s really hard but doable. I’m going to be a...
  2. S

    Graduated Wednesday!

    Wednesday at 5:51pm my wife and I welcomed our son into the world. He is our first. He’s is perfect! He was born at 38 weeks 1 day! Weighed 7 pounds 9 oz. Measured 20.5 inches long. I’m so happy and so in love with him. But boy is the paranoia real! I feel like I’m always checking his breathing...
  3. J

    We are about to have baby #2 and I’m really nervous about the transition from 1 to 2

    Hey dads. So we already have a beautiful girl who is about to turn 2yo. My wife is currently pregnant with our second girl and she’s due early April. I feel like I finally got the swing of things raising a toddler and being a fully present dad. I work away from home 9 hours of the day and when...
  4. B

    Just had a near miss with wife having newborn, now I have a healthy 2nd boy

    Dads, and in this case future dads, trust your gut. So my wife and I have been expecting our second for 36 weeks and along the way his measurements started getting "ahead" in size, most clearly by 32 weeks, creating concern of gestational diabetes (for the docs). For me however it always felt...
  5. R

    Gender Reveal

    Trying to get a gauge here. Did y’all wait for the birth to find out gender or did y’all do a reveal or have the doctor tell you? Wife is gung-ho on not finding out until delivery and I’m starting to think I’m onboard with waiting too.
  6. P

    I don’t know what to do

    Hey dads, I am currently in a very tricky situation. We have 3 children (0,2,4) and live in a 71 squarem flat. My mother lives in a 200squarem house in a small village with a huge garden about 40 km away from where we live. She is a narcissist and I have C-PTBS because of my childhood with her...
  7. L

    How to make your Son(s) resent and hate you

    Hello, this is a son. I have a father. I resent every inch of his being. He fucked up my whole life to begin with. Here is how. A) Get a kid to gain citizenship. And/or Social Status. Like seriously. Don't you think we dont see and feel your real reasons? The whole dynamic is "what can this...
  8. S

    For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

    I took my 4 y/o daughter to lunch today at a local burger joint. When we got there, the place was packed but there was room on their deck/outdoor patio that looks over the parking lot. We grab a table and we're waiting for our food when this big (and I mean big) guy on a motorcycle pulls up...
  9. J

    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    My wife is of the opinion that it would be uncommon for a child of my sons age (13 months) to sleep over at her mums on a regular basis, say 2 to 3 times a month. Grandma currently babysits 4 out of 5 days of the week, is late 50's, lives 20 mins away and has a spare room set up with cot. Id...
  10. K

    Solo trip w/o wife @36wks: good or bad idea?

    Strictly hypothetically speaking, for a friend: your wife is preggo at 36 weeks. Doctor says don’t travel outside city. But your good friend has a wedding that weekend 5 hours away. Do you: A. Leave wife behind to attend wedding alone, B. Insist wife comes with because it’s a doable drive and...
  11. A

    Its all the same song..

    Since my son constantly sings them, I was trying to convince my wife that Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the Alphabet Song, and Baa Baa Black Sheep are all the same song. She didn't quite believe me until I started singing this around the house... A B C D E F G, How I wonder what you are, One...
  12. M

    Daycare (pre-elementary school) time off - how many days does yours take?

    5 weeks for winter, Summer and spring vacation + 8 holidays + 4 teacher work/training days = 37 days. Excluding holidays that's nearly 6 weeks. Saw the daycare annual cost thread which included some discussion on days off so was curious. Our 6 mo to 3 year old daycare goes by the local public...
  13. H

    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    This was WAY outside my comfort zone. But besides a deeply terrifying John candy/Chevy Chase grease fire inside a very small RV it was basically the greatest time of my whole life. 🤣 She’d recently stopped letting me hold her hand, but all that went out the window as she faced the unknowns of...
  14. V

    I’m a first time dad. We have an 8 month old son. Thought I’d share a little joke I made. Dad jokes come with the territory

    Recently our son, Rowan, has started handing us his toys in an attempt to share them with us. It’s so cute. So a few nights ago it was my wife, Rowan, and I sitting on the floor playing. He handed me one of his toys and I said, “Oh are you sharin?” Then I quickly said, “oh you’re not Sharon...
  15. M

    T-minus 6 days

    Since we found out about our mini human I've been coming here reading posts to prepare for the big day. Day is set for 7/17 to be induced and now doctor is saying she doesn't think baby will wait till then. I think I am as prepared as I can be but I humbly ask for any last minute advice for...
  16. D

    Libido …

    I’m somewhere between 17-20 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend and I only have had sex 3 times since we found out around 4 weeks pregnant. Before that, we literally had sex 3 to 4 times a day. He won’t let me even get near him. I try to initiate all the time and of the 3 times we have had sex, it...
  17. D

    My wife thinks parenting won’t be that hard

    My (M35) wife (F33) and I are expecting our first child later this year. We’re excited, but she’s heard a lot about how tough parenting is and is trying to mentally prepare herself by talking to friends and reading parenting forums. However, the more she reads, the more she keeps saying “that...
  18. R

    Baby gets here in a week, do I go with my PPO or HDHP?

    As the title says, my wife and I are getting ready for our baby’s arrival and I was wondering if y’all had any insight. Thanks in advance! PPO: 175 (premium Deductible: 500/1500 OOP: 3000/6000 Office Visit: PCP (20), telemedicine (20) Lab, Xray, inpatient, outpatient 20% after deductible...
  19. S

    5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

    Hey all, Just looking for some advice and wisdom. My 5yo stepson can have a real mean temper on him and frequently lashes out at his mother, recently he's discovered the easiest way to get his mother to leave him alone is if he boots her in the stomach. I was upset the first time, but over...
  20. G

    NC maternity leave for father?

    Not sure where else to ask this but I'm getting conflicting answers... State: N.C. I started a new job in May. I have accumulated 5 days paid time off. Wife and I had a baby 2 days ago. I haven't been to work since Tuesday. I'm on salary but don't get paid in full unless I make at least 40hrs...