
  1. Q

    Really p****d off

    Thanks Covid-19. I'm not allowed into my wife's first scan for our first baby. She's not even allowed to WhatsApp video me. So I'm just sitting in the car waiting. But they're giving us pictures for free, which is something I guess. Edit: I've just been told that I'm also unable to go to the...
  2. T

    I’m raising degenerates

    Taken my 3 kids to the QLD coast for Easter, staying in a 4th floor unit. My 12yo and 7yo boys are wet after going swimming and waiting out on the balcony for their sister to get out of the shower. I went to get changed, walk out of the bedroom and my 12yo informs me that his brother just peed...
  3. R

    Unpopular opinion: u don't have to setup a nursery room now

    As a graduate for 6months now, im so glad we didn't fell for the hype of setting up a nursery room before graduation. It was impractical especially the first 3 months. Baby will be crying every 2-3 hours and it's impractical to go back and forth between main bedroom and nursery room. Also...
  4. K

    How to be the best birth partner?

    Hi, FTM planning an unmedicated birth at birth center. I am looking for instagram pages, books, podcasts, general advice recommendations to share with my partner as we are approaching our due date. How did you support your partner during labor? What worked/didn’t? What is something you’d wish...
  5. D

    Hi Predaddit! Some PreMommits Need Your Insight on Anxious Husbands

    Edit: thanks to your shares and insights, I took action that helped : asking him how he is feeling, staying calm and listening, watching dad resources online (or reading about the subject) together. He revealed his ‘truth (feeling huge pressure put on himself due to our financial situation and...
  6. R

    Morning conversations with my 4 y/o

    Me, after noticing he was taking a really long time to eat his breakfast today: - "N, eat your breakfast, we don't want to be late for school" - "We're not late for school." - "We will be if you don't finish up, it's 7:45 already." - "It's not 7:45 already." - "Yes it is, look at the...
  7. P

    "Alright, today's a busy day, but I'm gonna buckle down and be super productive!"

    Daycare message at 7 AM: "i'M gOnNa bE sOoOoPeR pRoDuCtIvE lmao the fuck you are"
  8. D

    Post Delivery Graduation Post (longpost is long)

    Things have stabilized enough for me to write this out, in case any of you find it helpful. Excuse the lack of formatting. I'm not on mobile, im just lazy. Bold stuff is the actual tips, the rest is detail you may or may not want. We were scheduled for induction at week 37. Initially it was...
  9. J

    Is it me or do y’all wish y’all kid(s) didn’t like y’all’s food sometimes?

    I know it sounds a bit selfish, but dang this kid is only 21 months and he’s eating EVERYTHING. I literally can’t eat without him chasing me for a bite. I love this kid but man the only time I enjoy food is at work and I take ONE 15 so I can get back to him faster. I know I’m not the only one...
  10. B

    Failed as a husband and father this week

    Sorry in advance, this is going to be long and rambling but I need to get it out. Characters: Me, Big B (43), wife, H (38, 16 weeks pregnant) and son, little B (8). Background: Both H and little B have had a cold for about a week. Little B is a disgusting human being like all 8 year old boys...
  11. J

    The 'not your birthday present' tradition my M.I.L started

    My mother in law always means well, and I get along with her for the most part. I have 4 daughters aged 10, 9, 6, and 4. When my two oldest were born and had their birthdays, she thought it a good idea to buy the girl whose birthday it wasn't , a present. Because of this, my wife does the same...
  12. W

    When is it time to give up?

    Kind of a follow-up to this post... Oldest Daughter - A Younger Daughter - J EX - L CPS is dropping their case as unfounded. They just need to do home visits sometime this week to double-check. I've spoken...
  13. C

    Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

    So I’m on day 2 of taking care of our two boys (2 year old and 5 month old) while my wife is out of town for work. Day 1 went pretty smooth, day 2 started out well too…and then nighttime hit and these gremlins of ours decided to join forces to make sure I didn’t have a chance at going to...
  14. K

    Had a little scare

    Wife thought she was seeing signs of miscarriage yesterday at 7 weeks. Called advice nurse and she recommended going into ER. Luckily everything was good! Ultrasound was normal, saw a heartbeat and blood and urine came back with great hormone levels. It was 5 hours in the ER but worth it to know...
  15. M

    F****ng Four…

    Hi there, My GF and I are going through a particularly difficult time since our kid is approx. 4 1/2 y.o. He refuses everything we may tell him, he is quite agressive (bite, punch) and especially with the cat. Moreover, his sleep schedule has drastically plummeted (7-8 hours per night) and as...
  16. A

    New Dad Tips

    Hey guys. My wife and I graduated yesterday with a healthy baby boy. My wife rocked labor and delivery. She went from 3cm, to 5cm, to 10cm in about 6 hours and it only took 2.5 pushes to see our boy. It was truly amazing. Thought I’d share a few things I’ve found helpful in the first 24 hours...
  17. Y

    Predaddit: How to prepare for hiking with baby

    I see many different baby-packs that people wear... a lpicture feed can be seen here: Pack Pictures What I wanted to ask is if any of you have recommendations on whether one pack is "better" front pack, back pack, the tower pack etc :) Thanks!!
  18. S

    My 3.5 y/o son is abusing the bathroom amnesty on potty talk

    Potty talk has been the height of humor for him lately, so in order to prevent our entire dinner conversation from being about eating pee-pee and po-po, we made the rule that there should be no more potty talk or jokes, which was then negotiated (“But what if I NEED to talk about pee-pee and...
  19. D

    Tonight's the night! Induction starting at 8 p.m

    We're in the middle of week 38 and he's estimated to end up around 8 lbs. First child at 35! We're thrilled and I can't wait. It will be the best day of my life.
  20. A

    Nagging thought baby is not mine?

    Don’t know if this is the right sub. Me and my girl been together for 7 years. For the last 2 years we decided against any type of contraceptives including pulling out. No sign of pregnancy the last two years I.e late periods etc. Now she’s pregnant. Why do I have this worm of a thought...