
  1. H

    Sitting in L&D waiting room ready for my graduation!

    We're waiting on our room for the scheduled induction. How did you handle your nerves when in my position? Super excited but nervous!
  2. F

    Wife STD but i dont have any

    Good morning fellow Dad's. This isn't exactly related to kids but we are having a 1 Year Old Son. She says it scratches her down there a lot lately & thinks it might be an STD that she would have gotten from me. Problem with this answer is -> we both took meds before/beginnibg of pregnancy (1.8...
  3. M

    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    Hey dads. I’m losing my mind, as is my wife. Our 2yo dayghter wakes up every night between 12-3 for HOURS on end. 2, 3, 4 hours is not unusual anymore. She wakes up, happy as all hell and the only thing that makes her sad is when she has to stay in bed or stay alone. Then she flips her shit...
  4. M

    Ideas for how to baby proof our hearth

    Hey all, We have a dual sided hearth which is about 7ft by 4ft. I'm wondering what you guys use to protect your kids from hurting themselves on the hearth. Thanks in advance. Edit to add image link
  5. C

    Hey guys

    Hey everybody, what’s up? My name is Chris, I’m 24M and just got confirmation today that my girlfriend is gonna have a baby in January, she is 7 weeks pregnant. So yeah, I’m super excited but kinda freaking out a little too lol it kinda doesn’t feel real yet, but it also feels like everything’s...
  6. S

    Kid turned 1. What’s next?

    Boy turned 1. Crawls like he’s straight out of the poltergeist and will walk with the walked but not on his own. Still working on solids but we cosleeping and he’s teething and still breast feeding so it’s going slowly. My biggest point of concern is TV. When he was younger I wasn’t too...
  7. S

    My ESL MIL refers to my baby's face while cooing as her "O-face" and I just can't

    It's so hard not to laugh and it's simultaneously mortifying. Do I ask my wife to explain to her what that means or leave it be?
  8. L

    Dry run for the real deal

    NSFW ahead Just got back from labor & delivery, still 37 weeks, 2 days, after thinking my wife's water had broken on Wednesday night and that she'd been experiencing possible contractions for the last two days. Lots of lessons learned. If you & your wife have never used sex toys, don't buy a...
  9. R

    Looking for dads of families who love exploring and learning!

    Hi dads! I (without disclosing too much) run a startup in the travel space with emphasis on travel, learning, adventure, and fun. We are looking for dads who love exploring and traveling, and would love for you to participate in a 30-minute research interview. You will be able to shape the...
  10. M

    How do you find the energy to keep up around the house after the kids go to bed?

    Context: We've got three young kids (5M, 3F, and 6 month old baby) and my wife's a teacher so she's been home for the summer while I work a normal 8-5 office job. Typically it's always been she'll cook and clean what she can during the day with the kids while I'll take over at night. Ever since...
  11. J

    How late is your 7 year old’s bed time?

    We have a near 7 year old (birthday in a few days) and she has been an 8:30pm school night bedtime for quite some time (weekends are a bit later and can vary a bit later). She has been more consistently saying “I’m not tired” at bedtime lately, and at this age it seems a bit more genuine than...
  12. R

    Baby in breech position w 3 weeks to go, scheduling C-section

    While I can be there for the surgery/birth, due to COVID I likely won’t be allowed in the postpartum room for the two days after while my wife recovers. My wife is pretty upset and a bit worried. I have assured her that it is not her (or anyone’s) fault and that our top priority is a healthy...
  13. N

    How to handle a kid hitting your kid?

    I'm at Chick FIL A today with 4/o daughter who is playing with some kids and a 7ish year old boy in the play area. They are laughing and playing tag and hide and go seek. Inbetween rounds they are standing and talking and the 7 y/o boy slapped her arm hard my daughter immediately started...
  14. T

    8mo wakes up at 5:30AM regardless of bed time

    Bedtime is between 6 and 7. He's asleep no more than 30min after being put in his crib. He always wakes up a 5:30. He needs to be changed/fed, but will need a nap nor more than an hour later. One night we didn't get him down until 8 and I thought he would sleep until 630 or later. Nope, up...
  15. P

    Would you wear a personalized hat and/or shirt?

    I am a mom seeking advice from dads. I am trying to get a head start on a Father’s Day gift for my husband and saw an ad for personalized apparel that embroiders the outline of a picture on shirts or hats. My husband loves hats (has at least 20). I thought it’d be nice to get him either a hat...
  16. J

    Graduated, Sleepless, Grateful

    1st week of the New Year, just got out of the hospital today, and just finished slow-dancing my 5-day old rainbow baby girl to sleep. Been a lurker here in this sub and daddit (under a different @sweetazzsugga) for the past couple months, and I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for...
  17. K

    Thank you r/predaddit! You've brightened my perspective!

    I just wanted to thank the entire predaddit community. I've always wanted kids but became more and more unsure of that the closer I got to that part of my life. When my wife and I started trying for a family I still wanted to be a dad despite all the jokes guys make about hoW expensive kids are...
  18. T

    Me: 0. Kid: 1

    Currently on a small beach vaca with the family. It’s rainy today, so we revectored and are heading to an indoor playground for my 7yo to burn some energy. We decided to stop for coffee and breakfast on the way out. We are at a cafe and the kid wants a decaf latte, so we get her one. It’s...
  19. A


    I posted something regarding my 14 year old daughter dating against my approval. Id like to say thank you for everyone’s input and advice.
  20. D

    A.L.I.C.E. Drills

    ALICE drills got my 6 year old son afraid. Talked with him about it. Tried to set his mind at ease. Sucks that stuff like that has to be trained, but also glad this generation is smart and prepares schools as best as they can.