
  1. S

    Sad News today

    Hey fellas, new to the sub and hoping in the future I can post more exciting news but today after only about 7 wks we were told that our first attempt is likely going to be nonviable. We weren’t officially diagnosed as a miscarriage but the doctor more or less said it’s a pretty sure thing...
  2. H

    I sing a lullaby to my son (7 wks) all day. It’s by Ozzy Osbourne

    Seriously. I discovered the song when I was 14 and had been orphaned, sitting on the floor thinking of my own father. Now I sing it to my son. There’s no better lullaby to sing to your son than My Little Man. My Little Man
  3. 1

    Paid couples study recruitment – moderator approved

    👣Are you a couple expecting your first baby? 🔍 We are seeking couples from Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK who are up to 22 weeks (or up to 32 weeks if either of you identify as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community) pregnant to participate in the STORK pilot study (i.e., first...
  4. A

    How do you not get hung up on what other babies are able to do?

    Lately my wife and I have been having a rough time with feeling like we are “failing” our son, for lack of a better term. He’s 9 months old, born 3 weeks premature, had jaundice which required light therapy, ended up having torticollis which he is in physical therapy for (and has progressed...
  5. A

    Tips to make my wife’s life easier while I’m gone for a month??

    We’re 9 fricking weeks along and I’m super excited to become a dad. However, my job had other opinions and is sending me to a school for 1 month starting next week. So I’m asking for some advice and tips my fellow dads! What are some things I can do now and while away to help ease the wife...
  6. Y

    Advice on Baby Monitors?? (X-post from babybumps)

    Hello Predads! I have been tasked with finding a baby monitor and it is a bit overwhelming looking at all of these different models. I really want to get a top of the line one as I plan to use it for this baby and hopefully another :) Can any of you please recommend some or let me know some to...
  7. L

    U.K. Birth Registration

    Basically my wife and I want to have registered the name before we announce it to family and friends. But we also want to tell people as soon as possible. So two questions: 1. Does anybody know how soon the appointments are to register the baby after the birth? Can you make the appointment...
  8. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    Hey fellow dads, I joined the club 4 days ago and have a beautiful baby girl! The reason that I come to all of you today is to ask for guidance and/or reassurance. I have been stressing my wife and myself about breastfeeding our daughter. I went into this with an expectation (I know, never...
  9. N

    First time please hlp..

    We had our 20 week and foubd out ots a girl. The tech said everything looked fine. Frday the obgyn calls nd leaves a msg sayin my SO sack may funne into the cervix. They closed 10minites laternso we went to see th on call doc at l&d. They gave her an internal ultrasound and i coul see the dark v...
  10. M

    So what food are y’all bringing to the hospital?

    Are y’all planning to just toss some clif bars and healthy snacks in a bag or have you thought more about this? I saw one that said to pack a cooler but idk what’d go in it
  11. H

    What are some good songs that you have introduced to your toddler/kid that they like, and you’re happy about it?

    I love it when I share some of my favorite tunes with my elementary school girls, and they also like them. So far, these are my “classics” that they also love. Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin Back in Black - AC/DC Smells like Teen Spirit - Nirvana Summertime - Sundays The Distance - Cake...
  12. C

    The fiance wants security

    Hey guys, Got myself into a pickle. I'm depressed b/c I had to close my business to make 1/4 more cash as per her request durring her post partum depression. Still not to expectations. 75k CAD. SHE WANTS 100K. Have house and rental income. Make 12000k per month, both of us combined.(we make...
  13. S

    We are doing no electronics during the school week for the month of May. It's changed the whole family dynamic. Maybe you should try it, too

    So I have 9y.o. and 2 5 y.o.s. Like most parents, when we had just 1 kid we were quite good about limiting screentime but as the twins got older we found 30 - 45 minutes of screentime creeping into most days. And every time we had to get kids off screens to eat, bathe,, what a fight...
  14. E

    Mother's Day Graduation!

    At 8:55 last night we received the best mother's day present imaginable with the birth of our daughter. She came via an emergency c-section after the induction didn't take (dilated from 3cm to 4cm in 8 hours), mum had developed a fever from a possible infection, and babies heart rate was 180+...
  15. V

    18(M) wondering how to maximize quality time with son and BM 18(F) (6 months pregnant)

    Like the title suggest my ex and I are expecting in early June. I want to know what kind of activities I can do with my BM and son to strengthen both connections. I’m wondering about this early because I have 3 more years of college to go and I’m away. I know the first 2 years are the most...
  16. H

    What do you do with car seat when your baby out grows it?

    I am in a dilemma whether I should buy a convertible or infant seat plus stroller ? I don’t know if I can buy a stroller separately and will be able to fit in a convertible car seat ? Basically I want to make best out of this purchase without having to trash the car seat worth $500 after one...
  17. C

    My intuition told me a man was a pervert. He was sentenced to 10 years for child porn

    I knew a man from our church & social circle. He was treated normally and was not an outcast type. We live in a relatively small town that is geographically isolated, so you run into acquaintances a lot. This part occurred about 4 years ago. We are at the pool and run into each other. I say...
  18. G

    Packing lunch for your kids

    Hey guys, so I wanted to know what kind of lunches you pack for school, especially for little ones. My kid is in pre-K, and I'm running out of ideas for what to pack him for lunch. I bought one of those lunch boxes with a thermos, and I pack some spaghetti for him every once in a while, along...
  19. A

    Active Shooter Drills - Pre-K and K

    My two oldest boys are starting at a new school after summer break. I just learned from another parent that they will both be doing active shooter drills even at the ages of 4 and 5. Has anyone had an experience with this where your kids felt like it was a non-event? I’m feeling very anxious...
  20. J

    Support and Love Needed

    My wife and I have had quite the journey. Previous post history will show it’s been a tough one. Found out we were pregnant last year. Beyond excited to be a first time dad. Our excitement for the best of us & we went into an ultra sound before our schedule doctors appointment. The tech directed...