
  1. M

    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    He says Jensen taught him it at school. Fuckin' Jensen. Anyway should I be concerned? How do I tell him those sounds are inappropriate? Is saying eWe bad? Can it get him in trouble at school? I'm kind of at a loss here guys. I've told him sex is how babies are made but that's about the extent of...
  2. B

    Advice request from fellow dads of ones with O.D.D. and A.D.D

    -Quick background- Son(9y) has those diagnosis and very high functioning autism, his mom has primary custody, was separated from son for 6yrs because personal/legal/pandemic reasons, have lots of catching up to do, and I am a.d.d. so I understand lots of (but not all) a.d.d. issues. -the rest-...
  3. L

    Diablo 4

    Any dads playing Diablo 4 and maybe want to play together / hang out online. I have no idea how clans work tbh but though I'll ask here if anyone is interested. Edit: There seems to be a Daddit clan already! Think we shall join. Edit 2: Sent join request, but no response. I'm happy to be an...
  4. R

    Predaddit Needs?

    I asked a question/discussion at RAOA (Random act of amazon) about needs for new parents. I have complied a list of their comments. Thread from RAOA Some of these are common sense, others however I had no idea about or didn't even think of. Maybe something for you and your SO to talk about or...
  5. L

    Miscarriage Questions

    Just learned from ultrasound our pregnancy cannot go forward. The doctor gave us three options, wait(natural), medicine to induce, or D&C. We are leaning towards d&c because it seems less emotionally taxing. Anyone have any insight on the Financial cost of that with insurance in the USA?
  6. C

    Last weekend was a false call, but NOW it’s happening

    We’re both scared to death, wife is T1D @ 33+5, had high blood pressures all day, called OB recommended we go to L&D. Now we’re waiting to be transferred to a hospital with a NICU, got her in a Mag Drip, something to curb Anxiety. Godspeed boys, I’ll see you Ina few days!
  7. C

    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    Coming here to ask this as it’s as good place to get some others views without being instantly judged as an ass hole… I hope! So I have a 10 month old and last year I was accepted as a cannabis patient legally in the Uk which is still a new thing here and I have been put on due to low mood...
  8. D

    Question about Bassinet Mattress Options (X-Post to r/pregnant and r/woodworking)

    Howdy y'all, I'm a dad to be, baby coming in May, and I am preparing to build a bassinet to have our little one in our room for the first few months before she goes to a crib. Don't worry - I am very prepared with the safety standards from ATSM and have been woodworking for going on 7 years...
  9. Y

    Best ways to support a wife after miscarriage

    Hey everyone, I am looking for some advice. My wife and I were overjoyed when we found out she was pregnant for the first time. We couldn’t wait to be parents. Unfortunately at around 6-7 weeks, she had a miscarriage and she decided to get a d&c earlier this week. It’s been a hard thing to go...
  10. S

    Wife suddenly wants me to work part time - I disagree (T-minus 2 months)

    First time dad to be. Wife is 32 wks pregnant and we're thrilled and excited and couldn't want this more. I always assumed we would do daycare. Since COVID occurred my wife insisted she wouldn't be OK with daycare and we'd need to find a nanny at least until pre-k. We thought maybe we can limit...
  11. B

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    Literally a living hell this. The girl is up 5/7 nights a week for hours on end in the middle of the night. We’ve tried everything from sleep therapist to changing her schedule during the day and night and nothing seems to work. How the f*** do people cope with this shit. I used to have a happy...
  12. L

    Boy (Trans) Dad

    UPDATE: I am really discouraged about the responses I received here… I thought this was a space to be open and understanding. I got much more love on the r/queerception page and much love from the queer folks there. When I mention things like circumcision you all need to understand that I DONT...
  13. S

    DTaP Vaccine Shot for Newborn: I Don't Want It

    I don't want the DTaP shot for my son, who is due in a week. I don't want this because of a general aversion to the vaccine boom of the past few years, and because I had a shot back in 2006 where, as a 200-pound man well into my twenties, it made me acutely sick for days. There is a 0.00%...
  14. D

    Sitting in L&D, waiting to be induced

    Hi all, Wife has just hit 39 weeks, with some rising blood pressure of late (no other issues). So they sent us off to Labor and Delivery and we are now just waiting to start the induction process! I've been lurking here for almost two years, through two tough miscarriages, and now 9 mostly...
  15. G

    About to graduate soon at 34 weeks, 5-6 days

    Please pray for us.
  16. N

    HCG levels

    My partner just had her second blood test since her 6 week ultrasound last week where we saw a yolk sac but no heartbeat or fetal pole detected yet. She’s 7 weeks now and her HCG is 55600, but the doctor told her that’s “a bit low” and it’s got her worried. Her second ultrasound isn’t until...
  17. S

    To release stress and relax

    Future dads are often stressed. And once the happy event has come, parenting young children is often exhausting and stressful. I experienced it! To cope with stress, I use music and meditation. So I created "Mental food", a carefully curated playlist regularly updated with chill downtempo, deep...
  18. B

    About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

    MADE IT! Thanks for the love and support! Here’s to hoping they sleep. Happy holidays! Edit to add 6 week old peed all over her clothes and we haven’t left yet. This is fine :)
  19. K

    Is 39 yrs o too old to be a dad?

    I think when my son turns 10, I'll be 49. When he turns 20, I'll be 59. 30, 69, and so on. Do you think we miss the best years and being a healthy father, having the vitality to accompany him at these key ages?
  20. L

    We need help on which crib to buy

    So hi,we are the 2 gay dads who will adopt our nephew from Turkey and we have started to follow the advice you have given.So far,we have arranged our parental leaves which we will take with 3 month turns. She is coming 6 days later and we haven't bought a crib yet. We are thinking about these...