
  1. B

    Child Care is Expensive, or Why I Bought My Mother-In-Law a Car

    It’s a sad state of affairs when it’s cheaper to buy my MIL a new car while she watches my son 3 days a week and he goes to child care twice a week, rather than sending him to child care for 5. My wife and I have been going back and forth on this since she was pregnant, my MIL is going to watch...
  2. J

    Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

    My 13 year old told me today that he broke up with his girlfriend of a few of days because she was sending him explicit pictures and videos and it was too much for him. I am very proud of him for having boundaries and sticking to them and then she said “all boys are the same”. Makes me think...
  3. I

    "I was going to be a dad" - reflections on a miscarriage

    Where to begin? I suppose I can start with what I’m feeling, though it’s hard to qualify. Grief is probably one of the words, but also confusion, helplessness, frustration, impatience. Normally, I don’t spend a lot of time with those emotions. I am the person you know who can be...
  4. U

    Free kid's book mailed to your kid every all kids 0-5 y/o

    Do you know about Dolly Parton's Imagination library ? You sign up and they send you a children's book every month from the time they are born until they're 5 y/o... for free. It doesn't cost anything and it's available to everyone. They just want you to read to your kids. It looks like it's...
  5. G

    When the fuck did you all stop sweating?

    Baby is starting to say simple words and I swear a socially acceptable amount, which is still kind of a lot. I feel like today the only words that are really not ok i wouldn't say (n word, k word, c word, three little f word, r word, etc.). But wondering about the others, does it really...
  6. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    This morning, I dropped off my 7 yr old for her 2nd day ever of in-person school (she loves 2nd grade so far), and I decided to take the 4 yr old to the park afterward. She hit the swings, we walked down a path in the woods singing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" and "Do Your Ears Hang Low"...
  7. C

    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    My 5-year-old daughter came down the stairs wearing her unicorn-print pants. "Hey, nice unicorn pants!" I told her. "Actually, Daddy," she said, "they have wings. So they're not unicorns, they're alicorns." I'd thought I had a couple more years until she reached this level of know-it-all...
  8. X

    Miscarriage at 8.5 weeks. How to start over?

    My wife (37) and I (40) suffered a miscarriage this weekend. I was prepared but it suddenly happened at 8 1/2 weeks and it still rocked us. The worst part is, I happened to be traveling and I couldn’t be there for my wife. For eight weeks, I kept my excitement and my expectations low, and...
  9. G

    Fellow dads, we started school recently whoop and here’s a couple things I wished I had been told about/googled before starting:

    1)The basics of alphabet/phonics, digraphs, and blending. 2) The importance of transitions and how to work them and how to contribute in a positive way to the eg,this article was useful to me. 3) Strategies, or just being prepared, for after school restraint collapse. Lmk yours in the...
  10. A

    "Dad, you play D&D?!" [x-post from /r/DnD]

    Was suggested I crosspost this here. 'sup other Dads? I have a couple of sons. 10 & 14. Got to say I'm more than a little proud of how I've shamelessly manipulated their interests over the past decade. The books I've read to and with them, the movies we've watched together, the games...
  11. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    Kids are 7, 5 and 4. 7 year old is playing Minecraft after a few month break. She's forgotten most of what she had learned. The 5 year old starts calling her a newb/n00b. Thanks Youtube. I don't want them calling each other names and I don't want them calling other kids newbs either. So I tell...
  12. A

    Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

    Greetings daddits, New to the sub. I doubt this question has a satisfying answer, but if nothing else I'm curious on how others are dealing with it: My wife and I both work "full time". I have that in quotes b/c though my wife actually works full time as a teacher, I only sort of work full...
  13. A

    Looking for Guidance with Emotional Swings

    Hi all -- Lurking soon-to-be dad here. First of all, I can't put into words how much I have enjoyed spending time in this sub. It has been a lifesaver so far. This community has connected me with some fantastic resources. I have also loved how everyone here is so supportive. That said, I am...
  14. E

    Single dads. How do you do it?

    I’ve been a single dad for almost 2 years now. If it wasn’t for my parents helping with childcare I’d be completely broke. How do you guys do it? I’ve seen super lean, happy and healthy single dads. I’d like to be that for my daughter. My relationship breakdown took quite the toll on my mind...
  15. D

    F.D.A. (US) Approve Treatment for Postpartum Depression

    Postpartum depression comes up here a fair amount here. Good news on that front, the F.D.A. has just approved a treatment. Article says it starts working in 3ish days, and is only taken for a couple weeks. My wife is a maternal mental health counselor, lots of excitement among her peers about...
  16. R

    C-19 Vax

    Question, have you and your SO talked about getting vaccinated while pregnant? Thoughts and comments welcome. Thanks Edit: We want to say THANK YOU for those of you that weighed in. We appreciate it very much.
  17. B

    I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

    Last night I woke up at around 2 AM to find my 3 yr old had left her room and was sitting on the couch in the front room looking at the stars. My first instinct was to get after her about being up at such a late hour and to shoo her back to her room, but after walking over and talking to her...
  18. A

    i’m going to be a father, and i can’t hold it in anymore

    just wanted to share my excitement, we told our parents this past weekend and i’m just through the roof stoked. my wife is 9 weeks today, so it’s still early, but things are already changing around the house. our first baby, my parents being grandparents, hers as well, everything is awesome...
  19. J

    Sad s/o

    Hello everybody. Me (33m) and my s/o (33f) have been together almost 6 years and she’s now about 8 weeks pregnant. Starting a family has always been our plan but now she’s just so sad. I don’t know what to do. She’s so depressed and is unsure about even wanting kids. I’m just being completely...
  20. D

    Baby Girl Names Ideas

    Hi Reddit Fam! I recently learned I'm gona be a dad for the second time. My first born's name starts with an L and I was curious if y'all had some amazing names for girls that start with L. That is aside from the typical Lauren, Lisa, Loraine, Lisandra, and Luciana. The wife and I always...