
  1. L

    Heart Defect

    UPDATE 8/10/22 First of all, my wife and I cannot say enough how much we appreciated all of the advice, information and just kind words we received on here after my initial post on Monday. I am absolutely thrilled to report that the visit this morning went as well as it possibly could have...
  2. M

    Fun Swears (Safe for Work)

    I say thank-you like a saint and swear like a sailor... modifications are needed with kids :) Alright Dads lets hear your fun modifications to swears when your around the kiddos, Sh*t = Poppy-do Holy Sh*t = shiitake mushrooms F*ck = Duck F*cking A*shole = Silly Duck Jesus = J,C God Dam...
  3. O

    Is there a month-by-month to-do list sort of thing?

    We get to join the club, we found out about 2 weeks or so ago (seems like longer), we're wrapping up week 6. It's been uneventful symptom wise, but the nurse confirmed it. She's the breadwinner in our family, military. We're trying to keep it secret as long as we can, but we're overseas at a...
  4. C

    When is it okay to rough house?

    You know, the type of play that makes mom nervous. 0-6 months; none, they’re gentle. Hold them and take care of them. Enjoy that time. 7-12 months; dangle from legs, throw up in air, a little rougher type play than just holding 1-2 years; lightly toss onto bed 3-5 years; WWE Hell in a Cell...
  5. C

    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    Sounds stupid when you read that tittle but it applied to me recently , constantly i over analyse my 10 month old and read what she should and should not be doing. In my weekly reading recently I saw my baby should be gesturing in forms of waving and able to clap… I then concerned she hadn’t...
  6. A

    What do y’all do when your wife is away on a business trip and you’ve got all three kids 24/7?

    Bedtime is the most difficult. I have a 7/5/2, all trending up. My two year old either doesn’t nap for multiple days or naps one day for 3+ hours. I’m juggling everything.
  7. A

    29 weeks C section… 3/4 Brain bleed. Do I have any hope?

    Because it doesn’t seem so.
  8. V

    It’s D-Day ! Advice on how to deal with stress/waiting

    Hey ! Today is the big day. What helped you to deal with your anxiety ?
  9. D

    I’m really proud of myself. I haven’t yelled at my 2.5 year old at all this week

    Since we’ve had our second baby a few months ago, I’ve had a short fuse with our 2 year old since he’s is starting to seek more attention by acting out and sometimes pushing our limits. I know he doesn’t know any better, and that he is only 2 years old, but sometimes my temper gets the best of...
  10. O

    X-mas Gift Ideas for Expecting Wife

    Hi all! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Wifey and I just reached week 13th(on Friday the 13th no less) with our little rainbow and currently looking up ideas for nice and meaningful gifts for her last non-Mommy X-mas. I found this one which I put on the list, but would love to get input...
  11. S


    Just really excited - and we're not telling people yet. So needed to share the news somewhere. ✨ f r e s h m a n ✨
  12. R

    2yo + 6 week old + wife with a tumor in her leg

    Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. We have a boisterous two and a half year old and we had a baby a month and a half ago and this week we found out that my wife doesn't have A sprain or ongoing pain from other pregnancy problems.She has a tumor in her leg. Thankfully, it's supposedly benign.We'll find out...
  13. A

    Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?

    I’m so excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound (we did a blood test early to determine gender) but I’m also fucking terrified because I’m so scared that the doctor might find something wrong with her. As far as I know, there’s no major hereditary health issues in both of our families...
  14. J

    A Story of the Snip - Recovery

    Previous post about Scheduling and the Surgery: The Recovery (R): R+0. Not knowing how I would feel after the procedure my dad was kind enough to volunteer to drive me home. I could have driven myself home (maybe not if I had a manual) but it was nice...
  15. S

    How long should dads take paternity leave if they can afford to?

    My s/o can get paid leave but he doesn’t want to take time off just because it’s not full pay. I don’t think he understands how hard it will be for me right after giving birth and he always talks like I can handle everything —like even telling me to go back to work after 3 months lol. There...
  16. H

    I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

    Following my divorce 3 years ago, my ex faced legal trouble due to a DUI while our kids were with her, leading to a temporary loss of custody. Our divorce decree was updated with a rule: a breathalyzer if I suspected she'd relapsed. After two years without using it, I had to test her. She...
  17. U

    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    Struggling this morning after my 2 year old in his gymnastics class. Small potatoes, but he just doesn’t listen to me, the teacher, etc and I’m trying to get him to concentrate and not run off to do his own thing. My whole background is my own dad yelling at me, shaming me and hitting me. It...
  18. D

    How much money do you need when the baby is first born?

    Hi folks, Expectant first time dad (early June due date for a little boy) in the UK. Just wondering how much we need to realistically have saved to get the essential baby items/nappies/clothes etc. We have just moved to a house (previously living in a 2 bedroom apartment) and had to make...
  19. J

    Naming issues with mom... How do I revisit this with her?

    Mom and myself talked about baby names before she was even pregnant. We had a full name chosen. All was perfect. A few months later after a cruise, we found out we were pregnant. OK! GAME TIME! Life is happening and I’m super excited... It’s my first biological child. The name for our child...
  20. M

    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    When my daughter was about 18 months old she ended up getting a bad cold. Fairly normal for any kid but we kept a close eye on it. After about a week it started to go away slowly. One day two weeks later we received a call from the daycare asking us to pick her up because she had a high fever...