Your easiest, tastiest meals


New member
OP here: thanks so much to everyone who responded. I pulled through with your help. This even led to some of my best recipes. And I made an easy one up for "fancy" dinners as life got easier: lamb burgers. Chop an onion with a chopper, mix with one pound ground lamb, salt, pepper. Fry burgers (8-10 minutes). Top with goat cheese. Serve with toast spread with Wegman's harissa. Done. Thanks again, everybody. I'll be back if I need the support again!

Hi all,

I'm searching the backstory of this reddit but I can't even: healing from a broken arm, working, high needs kid, sick husband, was just walking home from work telling my mom my son's sitter would give him PB&J and fruit... and she said, "it's too bad you can't cook dinner!" That's right, I can't cook dinner, I don't have the energy or the executive function left to do anything but bedtime. Working moms, what are your tastiest, prep in the morning in 5 min when making your kid's lunch, things you eat for dinner? We live in the big city and need to wean ourselves from delicious but unsustainable takeout. Thank you. (editing as I go to plan a menu-- this is all of a sudden seeming less impossible, thanks)

Below, all notes to self/log to create momentum. Thanks all.

Weds pm: had the sitter stay a bit late, picked up a rotisserie chicken. At home, chopped romaine hearts and the half apple on the counter, tossed with caesar salad dressing. With bread. A+

Thurs am: prepped broccoli, put out pan, spices. Thurs pm: roasted broccoli, fried eggs, served with toast and harissa. KID ATE BROCCOLI.

Fri: n/a

Saturday pm: made sushi rice with leftover rotisserie, steamed carrots, gochuang. not good, retry with an actual recipe.

Sunday pm: enchilada quinoa and fried salmon with lemon. A+
  1. AM: chop romaine hearts and possibly boil eggs. PM: buy bread on way home, toss greens with caesar salad dressing, either slice eggs or add canned sardines and lemon.
  2. AM: put in a tupperware for up to 3 days: chopped cucumbers, oranges. cherry tomatoes on the counter. make a vinaigrette, probably also lasts 3 days. PM: buy bread and a rotisserie chicken or cold cuts on the way home, toss salad with vinaigrette.
@larry57 Costco and Trader Joe’s has a lot of great frozen options. The nights I don’t want to cook, I’ll pull out a bag of the orange chicken, make some broccoli and rice.
@kgy0001 I think making it in the morning is too hard. Why don’t you make tomorrows dinner the night before? Tonight I browned some ground beef, mixed it with a jar of raos marinara and served it over a package of fresh tortellini. It took about 15 min. Sautéed some asparagus and it was done. If you mix the pasta with the sauce it would reheat well