Baby is barely taking bottles but eats 3 full meals a day

@max2800 My little one was pretty much off formula around the 10-11month mark. I had the same concerns as you and called the doctor as she seemed to prefer eating real food. The pediatrician said as long as she is drinking whole milk, or eating plenty of calcium, iron and protein foods it was all good. And if they are at an acceptable weight, i think you should be safe to decrease the formula.
@max2800 Yep. We starting introducing it around 8 months i believe. Mixing it with formula. And then switch between a bottle of milk or a bottle of formula. But yea i think she had the last of the formula around 10-11 months .
@max2800 Will she drink whole milk in a cup with her meals? I was told that babies can start to transition to whole milk as their main milk source starting at 9 months (I’m in 🇨🇦, I believe that’s a standard recommendation here.)
@max2800 Honestly, trust your baby and your pediatrician. We had a rocky feeding journey and I exclusively pumped until she was a year old. Once we figured out she wasn’t transferring, and I moved to pumping, she had slow but steady growth, always on the lower end of the curve. When she started REALLY consuming solids at like 9 months her growth shot up. She went from under 10th percentile, to 30th percentile for height and weight. They can get a lot of nutrition from solids. From like 10-12m old, it was hard to get her to take bottles even though I followed the recommendation of giving it before solids. I think she was MAYBE taking 4, 4 ounce bottles a day? She eats anything and I try really hard to get nutrient dense food in her and always have. Things like eggs, salmon, avocado, and yogurt. The one thing I might back off from is the water with meals if your LO is drinking 4-5 ounces. It can fill their tummies. Maybe offer less? And there might be some more room for formula.