Yes, it's possible to have a baby that has a late bedtime and wakes up late

@michasdgr19 It's been going strong 3 months and only one nap later, lol. If we have to wake her up earlier, we just let her nap longer cap it at about 3.25 hours. That's only if necessary she usually wakes up on her own for naps and mornings. Happy and ready to eat! If it ain't broke, don't fix it 💯 she's 11:30-12am bedtime 11 - 12pm riser.
@narocroc58 Don't I know that feeling. I'm glad it helped. We are still at the same schedule at 20 months, lol. However, she's gotten so used to it well enough that if we have to wake her up earlier, she's usually good as long as we fed her, lol. We just adjusted her schedule according to her wake-up time. If we wake her early, we don't wake her from her naps till it's been closer to 3 hours. Her usual naps are 1.5 to 2 hours then cap. Definitely just run with babies flow, and having a solid nap/bedtime routine is a must. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
@michasdgr19 Exactly! Nobody can tell you what works for your child just because it worked for others. I hated hearing. Wow, she's still up? Yes, she is, and she gonna go to sleep when she wanna! Lol. Once we followed her flow, everything just worked out. We gave her independence when she wanted it. Now she puts herself to sleep and when she's asleep she's asleeeeep. I love taking pics of the monitor because she will be passed out like she worked three jobs, lol we did sleep train, but kind of remix on the ferber method. I went in whenever I couldn't take it. We used to rock her to sleep every night, so by 10 or 11 months, we slowly sleep trained. I couldn't let her cio, though, and if I did, it was 15 minutes of her just being upset that this was the new move, lol
@efb Ours just turned 7 months our schedule is somewhat similar she’s up around 11:30 first nap 1:30-3:30 second 5:30-7:30 last nap 9:30-11:30 (doesn’t always sleep the full nap windows but we try to aim within them) and bedtime 1:30 unless she conks out earlier
Or at least currently trying out as far as schedule goes for the most part it seems to work for her so she’s not over tired too often but we’re also in the process of transitioning to the crib starting with naps so she’s been fighting them a little bit but nighttime sleeps in the bassinet are on point
@fgregc That all sounds just about the same as we use to do. I always look at it as a 24 hour basis as long as she's getting the recommended hours of sleep withing 24 hours she's good. We go by her cues as well and adjust her schedule as needed. We also didn't start sleep training till about a month ago and it's been great. She sleeps through the night now with ease since she's been putting herself to sleep. The transitions are always a pain but once it sets in everything just falls into place!
@efb Thank you so much I’ve been stressing about this for a while I’m glad we’re not the only family in this schedule and hope we can maintain it down the road
@fgregc Yea, I understand that completely. I used to be the same way, and I tried to fit into what I heard and what's "best," and it just did not work for her. She'd have early morning wake ups, wake up stressed, and be overtired, so I just let her do her thing now. Changes may come because of regressions, but as long as you follow what your baby needs and cues and it's what works for your family, don't stress over it. 😉
@kitsoni Okay so my oldest is 14, and when he was born the schedule we got into was totally flipped for like the first year of his life. We'd sleep until like 3 pm and be up all night 🤭

With my current 4.5 month old I have a 9-5 and things to do now and am struggling getting him to sleep at similar times each night. His bedtime varies from 7- midnight and it's making me feel like I'm failing at this!
@kimmiemae Omg I feel this pain rn my lo is 4.5 months and she goes down for the night anytime from 11 to sometime 3am. Even after waking her at 9. There's some days I sleep in and she wakes up at 11 and I feel terrible then we are up again at night. It's so weird I can't find a common ground what so ever idk what I'm doing wrong as a first time mom. This morning she was up by 1030 and it's now 1am and she's up after a bottle and we are just waiting for her to give us tired cues. 😫 I've looked into sleep training but she just doesn't follow a schedule. Sometimes she wakes up and decides she's not even that hungry.
@kitsoni Yes 🙌🏻 my son did 9pm - 9am. My daughter does 8pm-8am now. We had to shift my sons schedule when he started daycare (18months). He was not a happy camper on 7-7.
@kitsoni We’ve been putting my LO to bed at 10:30 consistently, and he sleeps until usually about 11am. People think I’m crazy but my husband and I are both WFH and not super comfortable with daycare because of Covid. We get up early and both get several uninterrupted hours of work in. Then we have more time to hang with LO in the evening. At some point we’ll probably have to shift earlier when we go back to working in offices, but for now this is working for us.
@kitsoni Very fortunate that our little one never had the habit of waking at the crack of dawn. We're also night owls, so I suppose she got that from us.

We put her to bed around 7, which is super nice for having several hours of free time in the evening (though I usually stay up too late even so), and she wakes around 730ish. She's hardly ever been up before 7, which is perfect for me!
@kitsoni Yes!! My husband and I are both bartenders/night owls and realizing this was ok was life-changing!! Our LO now goes down by 9-10 and up around 9:30 am; amazing!!
@kitsoni Thanks for posting this! I always have a bit of mum-guilt from letting him stay awake a bit longer but as he’s getting older I don’t care as much tbh. I’ve sort of let him get as much sleep as he wants now and being in the UK, working at home etc. It has meant that a later wake up is okay as I’m not rushing out the house to commute to a job or do a childcare drop off. I definitely agree we all need to just stop trying to do what everything else thinks is right for their child but also just do what we want to do!

However, I must say, my son must have been a rare case as he also used to wake up at 5-5.30am and I had tried EVERYTHING (when I mean everything this included later bed times, later naps, earlier bedtime, earlier naps, dinner at a specific time later or earlier, snacks before bed, no snack before bed, bottle of milk and no bottle of milk etc.) but it just didn’t work! Figured if I was getting him to bed late and he was still waking at 5am ready for the day he would probably be lacking a much sleep as he could get so it in situation I put him to sleep early. Now it’s different and as he approaches 2yrs old and from being so active, he naturally wears himself out and now sleeps from 7.30-8pm to about 7am everyday. Just glad the 5am wakes up are done with!