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It seems like online and offline I can’t escape from this shit. I know we look like a fucking circus getting out of our car. I know there are a lot of us.

I was out at the grocery store yesterday. DH and I have triplet girls (4) and a 9 y/o DS (and the story is in my post history) and we’re currently in the process of adopting my sisters 4 y/o daughter, and 1 y/o son, after she passed away. I’m currently pregnant with our fifth.

Before we took in Niece and Nephew, people would “oh you’re so brave to have another after triplets!” And moved on. I was fine with that. Triplets attract attention. 4 years in that’s just something that is a part of life.

But yesterday, I was in the store. DS is pushing Nephew around in the stroller. The girls are behaving themselves pretty well - I mean, they’re four. How well behaved are four year olds? They were loud, for sure. 26 weeks into my pregnancy and I look like I’m 36 weeks.

Some fucking douche bag comes over and literally asks me why I would get pregnant again with this many kids. Told me to have fun on food stamps, and the government paying for everything.

And I’m just unreasonably mad. It’s probably the hormones... but, not that it’s any of anyone’s business, we’re fine financially. Niece and Nephew get survivors benefits, and the state their from gave us money for beds/a clothing allowance for the two of them. Therapy is being provided by the state since Niece is the victim of a crime. Nephews physiotherapy is at a discounted rate since it is the result of neglect.

And when someone says I have “too many” kids I get so fucking angry. Niece is fucking flourishing here. She has come right out of her shell. Her case worker has even said she hasn’t seen this little girl. She hasn’t met the little girl Niece is now. She’s a completely different person than when she first came to us. Nephew is starting to crawl! At almost a year old he’s starting to crawl. So fuck anyone who wants to complain about it. If I wanna give a hundred more kids a safe, loving home to grow up in I fucking will.
I'm just unreasonably mad

NOPE. This seems pretty reasonable to me. What a shit head. YOUR FAMILY IS AMAZING and what you are doing is 10,000,000 times better than whatever that douchelord could ever hope to accomplish in his entire existence.
@katrina2017 Yep, this was completely reasonable. I've never wanted to boot someone straight in the asshole like this chucklefuck. Even if it's his (incorrect) opinion, what authority does he have to say it out loud? Fucking dick.
@semiprecious Nope, I have one and no hormones and I wanna punch the fucker.

I remember your post about taking in the niece and nephew. I'm glad that you did, and I'm glad that it's going well for them! (and you! It sounds like you guys have got it on lock.) Honestly you're a saint for doing it. It seems like 'there are assholes who will judge the number of children you have' wasn't one of the downsides anybody expected =S

Do you get it a lot? A good way to save your sanity might be spending an evening coming up with the worst sob-story-esque come backs (like 'What? I'm a foster parent!' or 'I'm taking the kids on a church outing!' or even just practicing 'Wow, you must be so embarrassed you just said that. What would your mother think?' in various tones) so that if/when it happens again you've got some stuff in your pocket ready to go.
@catholics7777 I recommend:

“My sister is DEAD and some of these children were hers. I am now parenting them.”

Then, choose your own adventure:

“Wow, you must be so embarrassed you just said that. What would your mother think?”

Or the always effective

“Fuck off, asshole.”
@ihasaquestion I totally thought “wow I’d tell that guy... wow my sister is DEAD & I am parenting her children too. Does scolding me about my dead sisters children make you feel better asshole? Mind yo business” I’d make him feel like the POS he is.

You’re amazing. You’re doing awesome. You ma’am are a great mom!
@semiprecious Any time any bitchy shithead says any of that shit to you, you lay into them. You tell them that you have so many because your sister died and you weren't going to turn her kids away to the foster care system. You have EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to make those people feel like absolute shit. And your real, honest story should make them feel like shit.

I'm irrationally angry for you right now.
@mrscruz as much as knowing the facts of the situation would shut their sanctimonious asses up, i feel like they're not entitled to pull that out of her by being shitty. i'm much more fond of a retort like "i don't recall asking your opinion on what goes into or comes out of my vagina."
@mrscruz Yeah, I understand too, they don't deserve to know squat of fuck all. But I would love to see him die inside once told, and hope it haunts him periodically for the rest of his damn life.
@semiprecious people suck. I would have had a lot more kids if I had the means to provide for them and was physically able to handle being pregnant again. I hope your niece and nephew continue to thrive