Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?


New member
My one year old is meant to have his settle sessions at nursery (what we call daycare here) tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Three times one hour and one time two hours.

Just got an email from them saying there's a d and v bug going around. They're asking folk with symptoms not to come in and have implemented infection protocol.

If we don't start him tomorrow we have to wait until seven August for settle sessions which delays the start, but I don't want to risk my little boy getting ill in a way I can prevent. He's premature and had a lot of sickness since he was born.

It just makes things really hard if he can't start until fourteenth.

Just looking for a sciencey perspective please xx

Edit: thank you, such a mixed bag of advice but it's good to see so many perspectives

He's a bit small for his age but otherwise healthy. I just worry. Always.