Worried about my 5mo sleeping on belly while we cosleep


New member
Hi! First time mom with a 5mo! We have been cosleeping the fast few months and love it! However last night he scared the hell out of me because I had woken up to him sleeping on his belly, scared me because 1. I did not feel him move to do so as he would usually fuss n squirm around which would be enough to wake me (now I feel guilty I didn’t wake up) and 2. Before he would always sleep on his back or side next to my boob so he can latch whenever (another habit to break later on, as my poor nip is gunna fall off) and normally if he goes to roll on his belly it’s usually in the direction towards me and scares me to think he might get stuck or something between the bed and me..but he seemed to manage it just fine last night….any other cosleeping mommas have this same concern n how did you figure this all out. I know this is all inevitable and good that he’s moving to his belly but just want to know any tips yall may have so I don’t have a panic attack before bed😂
@laneofjasper I remember when my first rolled onto her stomach around the same age, I was terrified something would happen.

When my second rolled onto her stomach for the first time while sleeping, I text my husband and thanked the sleep gods for the extended nap.

As long as babe can roll both ways, I wouldn’t worry about it
@laneofjasper I’m worried about this too since I’ve read babies shouldn’t sleep on their front if it’s an adult mattress 🙁 what are we supposed to dooo
@laneofjasper My girl just turned 6 months and I remember being so scared when I stopped waking up at every wiggle, and would sometimes wake up to her on her tummy! Started happening around 4-5 month. I think it’s normal as they age. And as your baby gets stronger and sturdier I think it’s totally natural for them to roll onto their tummies to sleep and I wouldn’t sweat it, as long as your bed isn’t squishy, no cords, no extra pillows etc!

Mine is rolling around enough now that I’m nervous about her falling off though and I just ordered a floor bed.
@laneofjasper I've attached the cot sidecar to the bed. That way she's on her firm infant mattress. Weve raised the cot up so it's exactly the height of our bed. I've also got a sheet protector which goes all the way across her cot and our bed so there are absolutely no gaps for her to get stuck in.

Most of the time I end up half in her cot because she wants to be so close to me all night. She's 10.5 months now and is starting to walk so having the cot attached to the bed works great for keeping her contained.
@truewinner Do you have something on the floor to protect her in case she falls? My LO is 4 months and we also have the sidecar setup which works great. But with her now rolling and then crawling on the way I’m not sure what to do with the bed setup.
@caitlin1990 We do have a blanket folded up, but mostly I'm the barrier. I sleep with my feet in the cot (I'm only 5 ft), so there's no way she could venture out without waking me.

For naps she has a floor bed, absolute best way to go.