Working Mom Life Hacks?

@nativenewyorker1980 Agree with you. I can’t take the wrinkles. For my 3 year old I put everything that isn’t pjs or socks/underwear on hangers. You can buy little baby hangers and use them from day 1. This eliminates wrinkles and the whole messy dresser drawer nightmare. Highly recommend.
@lengie I can't stand hangers! We have everything in drawers so they can get themselves dressed. The time to fold is worth it so they can put their clothes away and get dressed on their own
@quedee How do you find someone to come for an hour twice a month? I can't find anyone to come for less than three hours a week.

My main tip is generally just try not to complicate things unnecessarily. It's ok to eat simple meals, it doesn't matter if their clothes don't match, they don't need elaborate activities all the time.
@jamesmason10 It’s actually 2 gals that come together and they can do everything in about an hour. They are pretty affordable too. Ask on a local mom’s facebook group, that’s how I found mine.

Amen to simple!
@quedee Meal plan! I do two weeks at a time. I go through the flyer, decide what I’m making and do my online grocery shopping as I make the list and check my pantry. The menu goes on the calendar so I know what to defrost, pre-prep, etc. and takes into account all of our activities. I usually plan a couple days in the two week period where it’s leftover or fend for yourself night.

I also love my instant pot. If everything goes off the rails I always know I can come home and have chili ready in 20 mins.

Also I pre-cook hamburger meat and separate it into containers and freeze. This is a huge time saver because it speeds up supper prep so fast.