Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?


New member
I’m so tired of looking at instagram posts of women bragging that they have been pregnant every year since 2010 or whatever. I come from a country where women are discouraged from giving back to back birth.

This is one of many risks that is not well known:


And no, this study isn’t an outlier. It has been studied many many times.

ETA: folks who are writing to tell me they are not PERSONALLY compelled by this data, please write to the AAP and offer to be a peer reviewer instead. I know they love hearing from internet commenters without PhDs. (Incidentally: I do peer reviews, publish, and have a PhD)
@mybridges My grandmother was one of the first in her county to be on the pill because she was pregnant four times in three years (unintentionally).

She’s very proud to have been on the pill btw.
@jamescen I’m proud of her too! Mine had several kids in a row, back in the day the only person who would provide the women of the region (super remote in Brazil) with the pill was… the priest. My Nonna told me how he said he didn’t want women dying because of one more pregnancy.
@mybridges I saw a someone asking for advice on for putting their 4 month old down into her bassinet because she was having a hard time since she was still recovering for her C-section and just found out she was PREGNANT. I audibly gasped. I had a c-section and it’s part of why I am OAD the idea of having another or dealing with being pregnant and my scar makes me nauseous and thinking about being pregnant while also healing makes me 🤮😨😰 like I’m pretty sure her risk of uterine rupture is way higher just because it takes so long for a C-section to truly heal, it’s so many layers of tissue.
@jayfrost123 This comment made me shudder and I've never had a c section. It's major abdominal surgery, don't they advise MINIMUM 6 months but 12-18 is better?? A pregnant uterus and abdomen just months after that is insane.
@nyakoa I’m almost 18 months pp and my scar area is still tender/has a weird dull feeling when I put my hand on it. It’s healed over and looks great, but I don’t know I’ll ever feel normal. I was advise 18 m before getting pregnant again after having my baby. I told my OB that day I was OAD lol. Even if I was not OAD. I probably wouldn’t even feel comfortable getting pregnant now with how hard my surgery and recovery was.
@thisgenerationfulfilled This is the thing most people don't realize for a good majority the area cut never fully regains feeling. It's been almost 7 years for me and my MIL is 37 years in, no feeling other than light pressure on and near operational area.

After surgery when I went in to ask about it off and on the doctors were like oh yeah it normally goes nerve dead there or feeling is greatly reduced.

I'm like......whaaaaattt and no one ever discussed this before delivery and everyone just collectively doesn't say anything after??!!??

It's wild.
@singingtheblues My kid is 18 and that whole area is kind of dead to me. Every once in a while I get this horrible rippling feeling like it might wake up.

My c section was kind of an emergency after a somewhat normal labor. My bladder was totaled, which is one of the many reasons I am one and done.
@gerrydodge I’m 2,5 YEARS PP and my scar area still feels weird. I think this is just what happens when they sew skin back together. The nerves are damaged and heal in the wrong/new place. My shoulder surgery scar is the same way. Gah. OAD.
@jayfrost123 I’m only 8 months pp but yea my scar still gets tender. I’ve gone towards high waisted jeans/pants because another that sits on my scar just bothers it. I think I saw it takes like 2 years to fully heal from a c section? I couldn’t imagine getting pregnant again even if we wanted another
@jayfrost123 If it is the burning and tight pain is the way your scar has healed and not injury from the incision. A lot of the time this does not go away on its own.

Look up scar mobilization. It is a massage technique used by physiotherapists to reduce the oversensitivey of the nerves and increase elasticity of the scar tissue.

There are a lot of guides online you can follow at home if you're interested. It made a huge difference for me. Before I started my skin would burn almost all the way to my bellybutton.