Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

@mybridges Autism completely aside, it’s so terrible for the mother’s health too, even if she has a great diet, takes vitamins, exercises, etc. Growing a whole new person out of your body composition is hard! For the pregnant person’s health as well as the baby’s, its best to have two or three years’ spacing.
@mybridges It’s an extremely old study and there have been much more recent studies on ASD that do not give any association with pregnancy back to back . They still aren’t completely sure what exactly causes autism.
@mybridges I don’t really see this on instagram, women bragging they have been pregnant since 2010. Admittedly, I am not on social media all that much. I’m sure everyone is aware of the risks of back to back pregnancies but why judge others for how they want to live? I can’t do another pregnancy but i know many women with multiple kids who’ve had all successful and problemless pregnancies. Pregnancy in itself is carried with many risks, everyone knows that. Are you saying everyone should be one and done because of the risks involved? Many things in life carry risks. Obviously these women have a certain idea of the family they want to create and they think that that is worth the risks for them.
@mybridges Interesting. Close age gaps are NOT for me for many reasons.

Personally though I’m not too worried about autism, as I have it and so do many of my family members. Now that I think about it - in my family it’s ALL oldest and only children who have autism (my grandma [oldest], my aunt [oldest], her daughter [only], her daughter’s daughter [only], my other cousin’s daughter [oldest], another cousin [oldest], and me [oldest])! What the heck

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