Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

@mybridges It is. My OB made it extremely clear that back to back pregnancies carry an even higher risk than pregnancy already does.

Most people I know IRL who got pregnant inside of 6 months pp did so accidentally. I've known at least two women who were using birth control (mini pill) to get pregnant at around 5 months pp. It was easily my greatest fear. Like hands down.
@jhen I have two friends who got pregnant before six months and I think it was sort of an accident but not really. As in they weren't trying but didn't prevent, both had wanted families fairly close together. And neither have any lasting effects from it and hard as the first years were overall they're happy with the situation.
@sus_y But at what cost? Its not fair to the mothers or the babies who never get adequate time to bond with their mothers or fathers. I can never understand this choice of quantity over quality
@risetotheskies My brother and I were ‘2 under 2’ and it fucked my mother up so badly, mentally/emotionally. My dad was a typical useless dad that you see complained about here constantly on Reddit, so he was no help. I can only wonder what my life would have been like if I’d been an only, or if my mom had more time between pregnancies (we were almost 16 months apart). I call my brother a planned accident because they didn’t intend to conceive again so quickly, and thought it would take longer because it took so long to get pregnant with me.

Needless to say, I’m heavily anti-2 under 2.
@savedthroughgrace I am so sorry you went through that. I always wonder if abortion is the way to go in such cases. To give the mother time to heal and for the 1st kid to have more quality time and consequently fewer feelings of jealousy and abandonement. I feel parents could always try a few years later. However since I havent gone through an abortion myself, I am not sure of its emotional turmoil either…I guess its best to be on some form of birth control to avoid this situation as much as possible.
@risetotheskies To most people as worth the challenge and stress because it’s the mom taking on that stress. It was mostly man, taking on the burden of all of that seem to be very different.
@sus_y I agree… but unfortunately, as with many things related to pregnancy and childbirth, I think the moms themselves should advocate for smaller families or more time between children.
@risetotheskies Totally.
I’m in several mom groups and sad when the women are drowning and need help or they’re single and everything is a bigger struggle since they have 3-5 kids. I can’t imagine.
@mybridges I get angry when a lady on TikTok is like "i found out i was pregnant at my six week appointmemt!" Like that's not good, your body takes up to a year to fully recover from a pregnancy. It just screams irresponsible and stupid.
@nikiwg I would imagine general wound care is what influences this. After all, the placenta detaching leaves an open wound inside of the uterus. Wouldn’t you want to keep it clean just as you would keep a surgical wound clean?
@mybridges There are very good reasons to not have back to back pregnancies (which is discouraged by doctors everywhere), but I don’t find this one particularly compelling. Autism has been correlated with so many things, the genetic and environmental factors are poorly understood, and the prognosis and quality of life for ASD 1 is so vastly different than ASD 3 that a study about autism risk doesn’t really give you meaningful information. Have your kids six years apart if you want to. Don’t have them back to back because it’s terrible for your body and raises the risk of IUGR, extreme premature birth, and stillbirth.
@mybridges TRIGGER WARNING: pregnancy loss

Right!! My catholic cousin in law feel pregnant 3 months after her first. When I found out from my MIL I was the only one concerned.

In my head i thought the biggest risk was too her pelvic floor and long term healing due to consecutive pregnancies, unfortunately i was wrong.
Her body went into labour at 19 weeks giving birth to an otherwise healthy child.

I was annoyed that she wasn't warned by her obgyn or doctor that this wasn't safe. Also that no one else in the family seemed to have a clue about the risks to the baby or her own body. Social media makes it seem normal but Irish twins are no joke.