New research says average cycle isn't 28 days (and water is wet, etc)

@sisi That's a really good ELI5 explanation! I'm having a hard time finding consistent info on what different AMH values mean by age - I've seen some that say mine is average, others that say it's great, and then s few that say it's indicative of PCOS. What would you say is a good source of understanding your AMH value?
@lida09 I like this study's charts, especially Table 2, which gives percentiles by age. This graph is also kind of neat. I wouldn't worry about PCOS just because your AMH is only borderline high - you'd see it in other indicators like LH, FSH, AFC, long/irregular cycles, etc. Generally I'd say unless it's truly sky-high, in the absence of other data, a high AMH is a good thing!
@sisi Oh gosh. Every time I see AMH charts I am reminded that mine is that of a woman in her 40s, but this one really put that in perspective. Yikes.
@josephjurg I'm sorry! But it really doesn't seem to mean much except for when you'll likely go through menopause and how well you might respond to fertility drugs. Your eggs are still just 26 years young, which is more important than the number of them!
@lida09 I know that the answer is no, but anecdotally I have had 23 day cycles my entire life (though they got wonky after my last MC) and my AMH is 0.6 at 26, so yes, my ovarian reserve is apparently quite low.

My mom, who also had 23 day cycles her whole life, is going through menopause in her 40s, so she likely has the same thing.

I would think it would be worth testing, but not worth WORRYING about if that makes sense.

Also I did actually manage to have success my first cycle trying even though it ended in loss. So I guess technically, my fertility was fine, though I did struggle for a long time afterwards. My cycles were not back to normal for a couple years.
@mcg1102 Huh. Interesting. I had longer cycles before I went on hormonal birth control a decade ago. My normal since coming off has been 5 days shorter. Anecdata whatever
@tanaka Me too. I never, ever had a regular cycle. It was always 28-45 or 50 days even. I was worried coming off of Mirena, but I have had a 29 day cycle like clockwork for the last 7 or 8 months.
@mcg1102 Thank you for this - I think I've noticed the start of a shift earlier vs when I was TTC 2 years ago. I think especially if I continued to try naturally, I would see a trend towards O around CD13/14, vs 15/16 before.

What's odd about that is that I know my AMH and AFC are the same/slightly higher than they were 2 years ago. Could FSH be rising while AMH remains stable? It seems likely to me.
@mcg1102 This is really interesting, but also so weird to see because my cycle length isn't even included. 23 days is apparently too short for these guys.

I do find it interesting that they found an average ovulation day of 15 despite cycles as short as 25. That's so weird and unexpected.

But also nice to see short luteul phases are more common. Mine is always 10 to 12 days and it was weird seeing everyone talk about 14 as the average.
@josephjurg Glad it's not just me! My cycles are almost always 24 days. The one cycle I was successful I actually O'd on CD 9 or 10.

I also found that second point interesting. That if your cycle is as short as 25 days, you would still O on CD15. None of my cycles have been that way. All of this stuff is so interesting.
@josephjurg When I was a teenager and in my early 20’s my cycle was always 21 days. I wasn’t tracking, so idk if or when I was ovulating. Now I’m about 29-30 days. It says cycles get shorter with age. Mines getting longer. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@josephjurg I used Natural Cycles for a year before FF and then both concurrently and had 25+/-1 day cycles... I was trying to rep us short cyclers! We're outside the mean in a lot of studies, unfortunately.
@josephjurg CW: living children

I was thinking this. From the chart it appears women of my age average 28 days and higher when younger but I've had a 23-24 days cycle from my early 20's. I ovulate around CD11-12 and have a 12 day LP. My cycle has not changed at all despite my fertility decreasing, low AMH and DOR. Even going through an eating disorder for over 5 years didn't seem to affect my period 🤷‍♀️

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