Why I'm quitting

@osvaldo Yep, with my first pregnancy I went back 2 weeks after having a C-section (at 30 weeks no-less) because my company was small enough to not have to offer FMLA or any type of paid time off. Even with my second pregnancy I was only able to take off 6 weeks and had to use all of my PTO to cover that.
@roseluck I went back at 3 weeks after a C section with my first child. I haven’t had a second one yet but I’m grateful my current job at least offers 6 weeks at 100% pay without having to use PTO.
@osvaldo I hear you, the first thing I thought getting wheeled into the OR for my my unplanned c-section was “I’m a statistic now” and the second thing was my extra 2 weeks of STD saving me from using all of my PTO for leave.
@osvaldo I work for the government and I got no paid maternity leave 18 years ago. I had to suck it up and use my leave and whatever was donated by friends and family. And my boss screwed that up so I had to come back early. Uncle Sam had paid leave now, thank goodness.
@osvaldo Fortune 500 here - record YoY profits in the six I’ve been there. I also had an unplanned emergency C section and also had the 2 extra weeks off thought as they were wheeling my terrified ass back to the OR. Felt both guilty that I even get leave as well as a general WTF why am I even having this thought right now. Nothing more to add other than yep, it’s fucked.
@osvaldo Perhaps I'm just overly salty this evening, but I totally think you should comment on his weight right back.

Good for you. This is something you should say in an exit interview.
@osvaldo I’m absolutely furious about the whole thing. Check out Chamber of Mothers. I’m tired of this bullshit. I had really good mat leave considering it’s the US- but I don’t care- this needs to change for everyone.
@osvaldo I remember being grateful I got 4 paid weeks after my second (unplanned c section) … my husband was unemployed so I was back at work at 5 weeks. Still bleeding and EBF / cosleeping waking every 1.5 hours to nurse babe.
@osvaldo Yes!! I hate that this is such a big worry for new parents here in the US.

I realize there are many who get no pay at all but that leave policy doesn’t sound good for a Fortune 500 company. Many now offer 4 months of fully paid parental leave. I got 20 weeks of fully paid pregnancy and maternity leave (delivered vaginally) when I worked for a well known Bay Area tech company. My current employer is a much smaller, more local PNW healthcare provider and they offer 16 weeks of fully paid maternity leave as well.

But honestly, it still wasn’t enough for me. With the total lack of a village and childcare assistance around me, I was so alone and unsupported and it felt like my country really failed me. Meanwhile, my friends in Korea were receiving gift credits for childbirth, 70% reimbursement for the first x weeks of home assistance (cleaning, childcare, etc), a monthly allowance for baby expenses, AND free daycare/preschool until the childcare reaches first grade EVEN IF THE PARENTS DON’T WORK. By law, they would get 80% pay if they took the first three months off, then 50% for another nine months. And now they are looking to extend parental leave to 18 months.

So, no, I didn’t feel all that lucky for my 20 fully paid weeks.
@osvaldo I know I'll get downvoted, but, after the first baby...stop having kids. The reason these laws dont change is because for the longest time there was no incentive to. Now the birth rate is falling, China is becoming the next global super power, and none of the women they want making babies are doing it...because it's a scam. The US is the most fucked up place to be a mother, which I really only realized after I had my first (very wanted, very planned child). And I refuse to bring another life into this chaos. I mean ffs, guns are the number one killer of children in this country. STOP providing capitalism with more fuel. (If you met me on the street you would think I am an ultra-conservative country club wasp...and in a lot of ways I am, but this country is also a fucking dumpster fire for modern mothers).
@osvaldo I called my boss to tell him labor had started and I would not be in. Any congratulations? No...he demanded my room number to come 'visit'. He really wanted to make sure I wasn't lying? Or what? I have no idea.
@osvaldo I work closely with HR and the benefits person is so trash. I work for a fortune 500 company so not as fancy but luckily I used to do benefits so I could handle my own leave but omg the amount of people who don't get paid on leave properly because this chick is insanity. Anyways. I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and moved on. Congratulations on being a mom. Trash benefit people are everywhere you have to watch them. You may find yourself happier in a less cut throat company even though the pay may not be as good.
@osvaldo Navigating the short-term benefits for my pregnancy was a total nightmare. Such a waste of time when I'm supposed to be spending time with my kid and still I'm on the phone trying to make sure that I'm getting enough of my paycheck to cover the bills. Ug.

I'm sorry that eat into your time with your baby. It supper sucks to have to do that and they do not make it easy. A

Congratulations on your new position!!
@osvaldo When I gave birth to my daughter 17 years ago, I was pleasantly surprised when my boss popped by a few hours after the birth with a bouquet of flowers. I was honestly touched until 5 minutes in he asked when I would be returning to work. It seems that someone had quit then morning, so it was going to make it really difficult to cover my maternity leave. In the end, I got 4 weeks off and was catapulted into a 60 to 70-hour minimum work week as a single mom of two. I was given a promotion and a new location (restaurant), and it was held over my head that if I needed to step down, it would severely impact my pay, as well as future promotions.

I was young and stupid and had no family to help out. Dad in this situation, was a piece of shit who thought giving me $40/week in child support was more than sufficient. So until I was able to go to court, I was stuck.

I don't know how I survived the first 3 years of her life. I was perpetually exhausted, always behind on bills, and babysitters took advantage at every opportunity, quite often getting more of my paycheck than I did at the end of each week to ensure she and my older son were well taken care of.

It really sucks that the maternity leave policy is so shit in the US. There should be a basic standard of paid leave in the US, and it should be more than just the time to heal. I'm sorry that you had such a tough labor and delivery, and I am more sorry that your leave was a concern in the front of your mind.