Why I'm quitting

@osvaldo Name and shame!!! I would send this letter to your former company and blast it on websites like GlassDoor and LinkedIn. Shaming them and showing them how much talent they are losing is one way to effect change.

I also understand completely if you’d rather keep your name out of it and stay private!!! No judgment here.
@osvaldo Congrats on your escape! I was stuck in a shit job like that when I had my son. 8 weeks to recover on STD and also had to give up all my PTO, and then I had complications requiring additional surgery, but since I had no PTO I had to work from my hospital bed and schedule the actual surgeries for the weekend.

So yeah. Good on you and fuck the way corporations treat working mothers.
@osvaldo First, I am so sorry that was your experience. Being a birthing mother in the US is so horrible.

I am still salty 5 years later that my employer at the time I gave birth to my preemie twins didn't have paid parental leave. The day I came back full time after spending my unpaid FMLA leave in the NICU with my kids, the university I worked for sent an email announcing fully paid 12 weeks of parental leave (for dads too) from July 1. My kids (had they been born on time) would have been born July 7. I literally just sat at my desk and sobbed.

I was so, so happy for my colleagues (female and male) for the great benefit they could now take advantage of. But it was so hard for me after what we'd been through - it was like a punch to the gut.
@risenart My leave benefits were similar to OPs: 6 weeks STD for vaginal birth. But our STD had a 2 week waiting period during which you had to use sick leave or be unpaid. (So really it was only 4 weeks of STD). My son was born on a Sunday. I had worked a full day Friday (water broke at 5 pm). On Monday, work announced the two week waiting period would be waived for births from that date. I tried to argue that since Monday was my first missed day of work I should get the benefit of the new policy. Nope. Luckily I’d been in the job system tor many years and had plenty of sick leave to use, but it was absolutely ridiculous and rage inducing. A month or two later they introduced paid maternity leave.
@shiny247 Yes! I had a STD waiting period too. They shouldn’t say it’s 6 weeks of STD when they really mean 5 weeks of STD plus a week of PTO. I’d be raging if I were you too.
@osvaldo This is the hill I will die on. I hate it. I HATE IT.

good for you. I got really scared that you were going to be one of those women who comes to talk about why she is never going back to work to a bunch of working moms 😂

I'm glad you left and found better. I never got over 12 weeks with my babies. My first was only 8 weeks. I was also on the phone with the stupid benefits bullshit. I wanted to die, that's how bad it got the first time. Returning to work leaves me so out of my mind stressed and I'll never get that time back. I feel robbed.

i hope you get a better experience where you're at, because you're right, we all deserve better.
@osvaldo I just left a company who reduced their maternity benefits to the 6 weeks then 60% short term disability this year. Even though I am not planning on more kids, I still felt disgusted by this and told them that was part of my reason for leaving in my exit interview. They also didn’t allow using PTO as part of leave or before or after. Seriously disgusting.
@higherawarenessjr Worked it out with my previous manager before I went on leave that I would like to use my PTO (1 week off extending from mat leave). She changed her tune and said work was too busy so I had to come back but it really wasn't. There was no real work for the first week of me coming back and it was just power play. She was a disgusting toxic person. My anxiety and resentment went thru the roof that week, and wished I was still off with my 3 mo old baby.

Left that job and never looked back. I never understood why older generations have that mentality of I had it worse than you and younger generations should suffer like they did. Women should be supportive of other women.
@osvaldo I had a vbac with my second but it ended with a traumatic hysterectomy to save my life.

When I talked to HR I was told congrats on your baby! See you in 6 weeks! I said no, I had a hysterectomy too, and the doctor doesn’t want me going back for 3 months. She said oh, hysterectomy is only 4 weeks or something like that. I was livid. I went over her head with the doctors orders. I returned to work after 3 months paid leave. She wasn’t there when I returned. She had pissed off a lot of pregnant workers.
@osvaldo So much of what you have have written here resonates with me (also failed C section after 2 days of labor, same lousy but apparently good benefits) and nearly two years post childbirth I still have tears in my eyes reading your post because the whole experience just felt so belittling and I remember that feeling so well. Dealing with a male HR person in my company that didn’t know the law and tried to suggest that I may not be entitled to full 12 weeks of FMLA. Dealing with The Hartford (administrator of short term disability) throughout my dismal leave post baby so I could get a fraction of my paycheck for 8 weeks. The pain of leaving my baby so early…ugh that was the worst. I luckily have a great boss (a woman and a mom) who let me ease back into work slower than most. But the leave experience truly made me feel and realize that this country, at least the policies on which its built, hates women. Kudos to you for leaving a company that does the bare minimum when they could do some much more to support working women.