Why does everyone love the IKEA high chairs?

@chris77777 That's even better than my guy. Maybe you think you have it tight enough but it isn't? I remember thinking I was going to cut off my circulation and my husband was like "I can fit my fingers comfortably between his skin and the strap. Relax."
@chris77777 People tend to recommend things that work personally for themselves. That doesn't always pan out if you have a different style, preference, expectation, need. I've def had friends insist I buy something, only to be disappointed that it doesn't work for my lifestyle (ugh, infant car seat travel system!). Or tell me I'd regret a purchase (nope, still using the Baby Bum Brush! Oh, and my LO def didn't grow out of the newborn outfits "in a week, tops!").

We've had our Ikea highchair for 4+ years - using it with baby #2 right now - and we love how easy it is to move around, clean and use! I don't know what else I've spent just $20 on that's being used 4 years and running. Sorry it didn't work out for you!