Why Did I Become a Mom in the U.S.?

@lynn67 I actually think it's because there's a lot of organizing and community work that needs to be done before things like strikes can be effective (what the French are doing is not just a disorganized riot). Every American woman needs to start fighting back by organizing. I wrote a really long post about how to get more involved back when Roe v. Wade was overturned, it's still relevant- here's the link to that..
@leedoldol The french know what’s up. They have paid leave, paid maternity leave, and nurses show up during maternity leave to help you with your kid so you can sleep.
@leedoldol The thing is, they're not just rioting - it's an organized movement. Community building happened first. That's the piece we're missing in America. But we can build it back! I wrote a really long post about how to get more involved back when Roe v. Wade was overturned, it's still relevant- here's the link to that..
@suzieq66 We've been convinced to fight amongst ourselves. We need to start building community so we can fight back. Every American woman needs to start fighting back. I wrote a really long post about how to get more involved back when Roe v. Wade was overturned, it's still relevant- here's the link to that..
@aklil I have two, and lucky able to get my tubes removed in a few weeks. We wanted another kid, it’s just not an option anymore with how life is set up here.

If it’s any consolation, the active shooter drills haven’t seemed to effect my kindergartner at all. Of course he doesn’t really understand what they’re practicing hiding from, yet.

My husband and I are lucky to have switched to careers that are in demand worldwide. We’re also lucky to have been able to buy a house before the pandemic hit (thanks to his dad dying and leaving enough inheritance for a down payment). We are seriously considering trying to immigrate depending on what happens in 2024, but we almost definitely will have to leave the south.
If it’s any consolation, the active shooter drills haven’t seemed to effect my kindergartner at all. Of course he doesn’t really understand what they’re practicing hiding from, yet.

Honestly, we are the lucky generation. My parents did air raid drills under their desks, and the kids do active shooter drills. I'm not sure that it's a blessing or a curse that it is so normal to them that they don't think twice about it- it makes me sad that they don't realize the freedom they lost, but at least it is something they don't actively freak out about because they do it monthly.
@hawk56 I graduated high school in 2009 and we had a few active shooter drills while I was in school but not nearly as many as kids today.

ETA- my school was near the county jail. I Guess these were more like “lockdowns” than actual active shooter drills, but same general idea: stay quiet, hide as a class in the class, and sucks for you if you’re in the bathroom when it happens.
@hawk56 my school was near the county jail. I Guess these were more like “lockdowns” than actual active shooter drills, but same general idea: stay quiet, hide as a class in the class, and sucks for you if you’re in the bathroom when it happens.
@onetruechurch4 That's what stuck with me talking to my (5-6 yr old) nephew. He told me that if you're stuck in the bathroom, you close the door and either pull your feet up or stand/ crouch on the seat.

Our school locked the doors, put a block in front door windows, turned off the lights, and sat crouched against the wall. The idea is that if all the classrooms were dark and silent, you don't know which have kids.

Of course, I'm not sure what happens for kids in gyms or cafeterias.
@momofcj My school was close to the county jail, they were more of a “lockdown” than true active shooter drill I suppose. But same basic idea- stay in place and be quiet with lights off while the entire school is locked. Sucks for you if you’re in the bathroom when this happens.
@aklil There is no work life balance for mothers, or familial caretakers!! I just want to start establishing a retirement plan for myself, after 4 kids and and 2 elderly persons..I'm responsible, but I don't get to invest in me
@aklil I feel you. I am one and done because of these reasons and more. I am SO SICK of this country and how it couldn't give a shit about children and parents. I have always voted for dems with the hopes that they would actually DO something about all these issues. Have they done anything to help? No. Nothing. Things are actually getting worse in front of our eyes. I want this place to be better so badly, but I have no power beyond my vote. And I've voted and gotten no help. It's so disheartening.
@aklil You are definitely not alone.

I was bullied by my boss, my mom, and my MIL throughout my pregnancy. My mom is so brainwashed by Fox news that she believes women are "selfish" and "anti-American" for wanting maternity leave. The "right thing to do" was for me to quit my job and stay home, allowing "a man to take the job so he can support his family." Uhhh... most of my coworkers were under 30 and used the job to pad their resumes and pay rent in our pricey northeastern city, but go on then, mom...

Additionally, several of my friends who do not have kids have had their tubes tied in the last few years. One lives in Texas, but the rest of the women I know who have had the procedure done live in blue states. You are not alone in your observation that this country seems to hate women with children and doesn't gaf about their lives being in danger due to a pregnancy. It's really fucked up, and something I genuinely worry about.
@aklil I know this is going to sound shitty but this is why politics are so important. Please get involved in local politics and speak out! Contact your local politicians. Run against them. Get involved or donate to people who support your agenda.
@rvigna It feels so overwhelming to get into politics at a local level, I think because there are so many levels. Unless I know the people personally, I don’t always understand the roles and how to make an impact. I don’t know what the answer is for this, but I do know we have to do something.