When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

@ajhnh My daughter will be 16 in August and is on the pill for the same reason.. I allowed her to go on a ski trip with her boyfriend and his family at Christmas but sleeping over in the house I don't think I'm there yet. She actually just asked me if her friend and her friend's boyfriend could come over this evening while I'm gone and I said no boys in the house when I'm gone. Maybe I'm too strict I don't know.
@ajhnh I put my 15 year old on the pill (she also had bad acne which this helped immensely), gave her condoms, taught her how to use them, let her go to her boyfriend’s house whenever she wants as long as a parent is home, made friends with her boyfriend’s mom so we go to their house as a family and stay late on a regular basis, their family is talking about inviting her to go along on a future family vacation…

…but the moms still agree no sleepovers.
@ajhnh This would be a hard no from me. They may already be having sex, but that doesn't mean you have to allow the sleep overs. She's on birth control. Maybe consider also providing condoms for additional STD protection.
@ajhnh I am against and not just because of sex. As others have said teens who want to have sex will. We are asking kids to be in mature relationships too early. These sleepovers force a level of maturity into a very young relationship that shouldn’t be there. My middle school daughter’s friend went on a vacation with her boyfriend and family. Why force that kind of level of relationship on 14 year olds?!? Let them be kids.
@ajhnh Geezus no way that will ever happen in my house and mine knows it. Not even on the radar.

When mine is out and on her own, then she can do whatever. I guess I’m really old-fashioned and a mean mom…but oh well. Too bad too sad. But she’ll thank me later.