Why Did I Become a Mom in the U.S.?

@aklil I joined the army and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.. we now get 6 months maternity leave.. dad's get 3 months..

Nursing rooms are MANDATORY.. 30 minute pump breaks every 2 hours are whats "allowed" per regulation.. but I take much longer and people are nothing but courteous and understanding

I stayed in the hospital a week and half due to complications.. paid absolutely nothing

Change is coming.. the military is usually on the forefront of those types of changes
@aklil Yes, yes, yes and yes. I agree 100%. I’m one of the lucky ones with a good, flexible job making decent money, but I STILL can’t afford to move out of my in-laws house and afford childcare. If I do, then we can no longer afford food. It’s so depressing
@aklil I'm in the UK so I don't know what you're going through but I truly sympathise. I wouldn't be able to cope with the anxiety of it. The cost of living crisis is bad enough to deal with here and is making everyone depressed. Young people here aren't peppy and silly in the same way they used to be.

I recently saw a phone video of some kids who were hiding in a class room and a swat team bursted in with guns. The look on their faces was pure terror as they didn't know if the person coming in was going to kill them or not. Personally I think that would cause life long trauma.